Chapter 12

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On the way to the address, Alex thought about what Dean said. Even though she was going to help whenever she could back at the bookstore. However, part of her knew he would be too worried if she ever tagged along with him sometimes. As they talked, Alex couldn't help but overhear them. From what she could tell, her dad didn't seem to mind about it, either. She knew there was concern, but even Dean offered to work together on cases as well. James even liked that idea, too. Before either of them could say another word, they arrived. Dean parked across the street and the waiting game began.

Alex couldn't help think what was wrapped in the cloth. But also, she could sense some spells on it at the same time. They were mainly protection and anti-tracing spells. Whatever it was, it must be something Paul is desperately searching for it.

"You alright, hon? I know I've been constantly asking that since yesterday evening, even though you've been giving the same answer."

James couldn't help himself ask her if she was alright. Ever since yesterday, it grew into a habit that was difficult to break.

"Dad. I'm fine. Just the spells off of the cloth caught my attention, that's all."

"Your mom had done that. She was protective of some of the things I brought home from my trips. Listen, Alex. There are only certain things I take home if it has something to do with the supernatural."

"So that's why I wasn't allowed in the basement?"

"Yeah, but whenever we have time, I'll show you some of the stuff."

Dean was shaking his head a bit, which caught James' attention. "It's not what you think, James," he assured. "Dad did the same, but in a large storage unit. Since last night, I wasn't angry with you. It's more of being angry at the only person who taught us hunt. Then yet, Sammy and I had a half brother because of him. We never knew until a case and even though a ghoul took over him, dad was more of a father to Adam than to the both of us. He lived a normal life with Adam while we got screwed. That's one thing I could never forgive him for. Now? I can't forgive him for keeping you and Alex from us. As I told Alex, I might have some trust issues with witches, but we can work it out. It'll be difficult at first, yet it can."

James didn't know what to say. He really wasn't surprised, though. "According to Bobby, he always made you to be the parent to Sam. Part of me gets it that finding whatever is responsible for the death of a spouse. However, once he set his focus on something, he never knew how to quit or even take a break."

"How did you manage this? I mean, the hunting, excavation projects, and the bookstore?"

"To be honest? I don't know, Dean. Probably because the excavations were at least a few months apart? Hunting was at least a couple of cases at a time, and working at the bookstore was a way to relax and cope afterward. Even after her mom's death, I paused with the projects as they understood. As much as I wanted to hunt down whatever it is, part of me had a feeling it would come back, eventually. Just didn't expect it to be three years later, since you would think it would be a year or something. Besides, I needed to be home with Alex. Not just because of her being my daughter. The other was because of her being a witch. After that fight with your dad that year, I'll admit I've been overly protective of her."

"What was the threat, if I may ask? The one he made?"

"Trust me, Dean. You don't want to know."

Dean could tell by the fear in James as he figured out the potential threat toward them. Minutes passed as they fell into silence. James eventually looked in the backseat to find it empty. Worried that something happened to Alex, Dean nudged James as he pointed toward the woman's house. She was walking up the driveway as the both of them ran after her. Part of James worried Alex was seen walking up to the house. Then yet, he worried something else was going on. Eventually, they caught up with her. Saying nothing, Dean walked toward the front window to find the woman lying on the floor. Luckily, he got to the door right before Alex as he opened it.

"Alex?" James asked.

"Why am I drawn to the deceased?" She asked. "I can't get myself to stop, dad. It's like being back at the bookstore all over again."

"Everything will be alright, hon. I promise."

As they watched her slowly crouch over the victim, Dean kept an eye out on the door as she slightly touched the forehead. Suddenly, falling to her knees, they noticed Alex was also holding her head. She wasn't screaming or anything, but something was happening. However, about a couple minutes later, she pulled away. Tears fell as she tried to catch her breath.


"It's not human," she said. "Definitely not human. No demon, either. So much was going on, dad."

"I'll get you back to the car, Alex. Dean?"

"I'm calling it in, James. There might be a back door, by the way."

Saying nothing, James picked Alex up off the floor and searched for a back door. Luckily, there was. Making their way, Dean stayed behind to make the call as James called Bobby to let him and Sam know about what was going on. However, he didn't know how to explain what had just happened to Alex. Although this was something new, James knew this could really help them. The problem was, he wasn't sure if Alex could continue this way.

Cautiously walking back toward the Impala, James stayed in the backseat with his daughter to make sure she was alright, while he called Bobby. As he explained everything, Bobby assured him and Sam were going to head back toward the books and hopefully Alex would mention more about what she felt once they get back. Since James didn't want to stay on the phone long, Bobby understood. In the meantime, Dean came back and figured something out so the both of them could head back to Bobby's place. As James got off the phone, he mentioned Sam was going take Bobby's vehicle over and to hand over the keys.

"Sounds like a plan," Dean said. "She alright?"

"What the hell is going on with me, dad? I never knew about this ability?"

"Neither have I, kiddo. Then yet, there's a first for everything, right?"

As time moved forward, Sam pulled in and handed James the keys to the Chevy. But before he got behind the wheel, he cleaned out the back of the Impala with the personal journals and the wrapped up package from the house. Alex was already in the passenger seat with her stuff as she sat in silence from the one thing that was new to her. It was going to be another long night and wondered what this ability of hers is. Even the drive was going to be in silence once again, but this one was understandable.

Driving away, Sam was confused about what was going on. Since there was little time before the local authorities arrived, Dean filled him in. This even surprised Sam as well, considering he even never heard of this ability before. It was one of those moments where a lot was coming to light. Even though this seemed to stress Dean out a bit, he remembered James wasn't expecting a lot to come to light, either.

"So what did Alex end up feeling?" Sam asked.

"At this moment, it's not human and not a demon. But something is here in Sioux Falls, Sammy. Hopefully, Alex will mention more once we get back to Bobby's."

Just in time after talking about it, the local authorities showed up. Sam and Dean quickly put their game face on and worked with the local authorities so they don't blow their cover.

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