Chapter 8

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While sitting in the parking lot, Alex texted her dad to let him know she made it safely. A couple of her friends were waiting at the entrance of the school for her. Even though she struggled to make friends back in Madison, Alex made a couple of them here. Rochelle Thompson and Ashley lived a few streets from where she currently lives. Come to find out, they were witches as well. However, they weren't grey witches. Rochelle controlled the Fire element and done a lot of dark magic, while Ashley worked mostly with light magic and her element being water. Hell. Even Rochelle could read everyone's thoughts. Due to this, Alex had to protect her father, along with Bobby and her cousins. On the way to school, Alex conjured up a spell so Rochelle couldn't read them. If Rochelle would ask, all Alex would have to say she needed to be left alone with her thoughts.

After a few minutes, Alex made her way toward the school, and luckily, neither of them were asking questions. They knew it was going to be rough for Alex whenever the anniversary comes around. With their walk to the gym, Rochelle and Ashley talked. They were coming up with plans for after graduation and where they were going to be living next. Rochelle was planning on moving to Minnesota, where the rest of her family is, while Ashley was actually thinking about staying here. She even asked Alex if she could get a job the bookstore. While she did throughout the Summer, there was a good chance her dad would allow it. Before Ashley could say something, they arrived to the gym.

Since they could sit wherever they wanted, Rochelle and Ashley picked their locations. Alex wanted to be closer to the entrance of the gym so she could get out of there once it was done. Plus, she wanted to help them with the case and to find out who murdered her mom. But once everyone was seated, the exams were handed out, and the room fell into silence.

                                                       ☆ ____☽✮☾____☆

After a few minutes gone by, the delivery guy arrived at the bookstore. James figured to keep the store closed in the meantime until everything was taken care of before opening. This even meant the letter from Elizabeth as well. Even this was the first time when Alex couldn't help him with the inventory. However, Sam didn't mind helping since he volunteered himself.

When everything was signed, the delivery guy left and James locked the door. With ten large boxes of books and ten large boxes of inventory for the back, James couldn't help wanting to finally open the envelope.

"Hope you don't mind, Sam."

"It's fine, James. I'll just check out some books by the wall in the meantime."

As James went behind the counter, it took him a couple of minutes to open it. It was one of those times where this would've been the last time of communication with her. Taking his time, there was a letter and was long, as well. However, it read:


Knowing by the time you get this, I would be long gone. A few days before writing this, I had a horrible premonition. But before I go any further, I need you to promise me to look out for Alex and you're going to be needing Bobby's help. Also, there are a couple of people you need to search for as well. I'm unsure who they are, but in one of my premonitions, a couple of names showed up. They're Sam and Dean Winchester. Even though there's a good chance they are your brother's kids, but you're going to need their help as well. Not just for my death, either.

Something horrible is coming your way, and that Alex is going to be in danger. All the information isn't clear, but something big is going to happen and it involves her. Remember years ago when an angel by the name of Castiel had gotten an anonymous order to protect her ever since she was little? Contact him as well. I know everything seems vague coming from me through this letter, James. I sincerely apologize for that.

I know there are many questions that needs answering, while they will eventually. For the reason of contacting Castiel, he might know what's going to happen. While he might be vague as well. James. I'm so sorry for bringing this on after my death. All I can is, whatever is going to happen, it'll happen by the time she turns seventeen. However. Before I forget to mention, it's Paul. Whatever he's up to, he isn't giving up. While my other two brothers weren't fond of you at first, they might help if you can reach them, especially Tim.

Again, I apologize James. But please. Keep our daughter safe.

                                              Your loving wife,


P.S. Warn Alex about her friend, Rochelle. Even though it'll break her heart, but I don't trust the Thompson family, James. However, she'll understand. From what I saw about that, she'll be turning against Alex. Also, they're part of the reason I've been quiet. All I know about the Thompsons is they come from the pure sect. Meaning they don't like the co-existence between witches and hunters. Yet, you don't need to worry. Before we moved to Sioux Falls, I protected you and still are. But... I'll end this letter. All I hope is that Castiel can help and hope he has a reason for being away this long. I'm so sorry for dropping all of this on you suddenly. Love you, James, and love Alex, as well.

James couldn't help but shed tears over the sudden news. There was a lot of mixed feelings, but he could never be angry with Elizabeth. Although this was sudden, but he believed everything she said. What exactly is going to happen to his daughter? Their daughter? Why warn Alex about Rochelle and her family? There were many questions, but they would be answered.


"I'm alright," he lied. "Explain later on. Found any books that might help in the meantime?"

"Yeah. Going to sit down and go through them and see if anything comes up."

As James folded the letter back up, he put it in his back pocket as he got to work stocking the shelves. Everything seemed fine growing up, but James questioned if it di have something to do about Castiel protecting her. All he said was, "I know I shouldn't question everything, Elizabeth. But hope it won't mount to anything major to where I don't lose her, as well."

Part of him wouldn't have been surprised if Sam overheard him. Dealing with the current case from the same thing that took his wife, and now this? He would definitely need some sort of vacation, eventually.

"You sure everything is alright, James?"

"No, Sam. Everything isn't alright."

Even though he didn't want to mention it now, but he had to talk to someone and hoped that Sam could probably talk to Dean. As he started with one box, James filled him in.

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