Chapter 6

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While with the Medical Examiner, Dean was outside of the room talking to Bobby. When he was filling them him in, Dean wondered if there were any other victims as well. As much as he didn't want to say it, but fortunately, there was. As Sam was heading toward him, he waited until his brother was off the phone before saying anything. Bobby admitted there was another victim, which was the day after Elizabeth's death. Even Dean didn't want to think it was morbid, but he was relieved there was something to be added and help them out. After finished talking, Dean filled Sam in.

"Bobby forgot there was another a victim after Elizabeth," Dean began. "It was another woman by the name of Ana Peterson. She was a High School teacher and was found in the middle of her living room. Same thing from what James mentioned. No EMFs, Sulphur, nothing."

"But large stab wounds."

"Yeah. However, Bobby has her file back at the house. So we don't need to get that one. And don't worry. I gave him the name of this one, so James is going to work on that until we get back to the house. What?"

"I'm surprised you're this cool suddenly, that's all."

"I'll be fine once we get more beer."

Scoffing as he watched his older brother walk out of the building, Sam followed. Even though he understood Dean's frustrations, maybe there's some good in this. He even hoped after this case, they could work together. However, even Sam is worried about how Alex is helping at the moment. Even though he still doesn't know their uncle well enough, but part of him figured James would only have her do certain things.

Walking toward the Impala, it must've been bugging Dean since he decided not to get any beer for the night, but sleep instead. On the way back, it stayed quiet. That's what they needed to wrap their heads around the fact they have an uncle from their dad's side of the family. Then yet, there was more to it for Dean. It was worrying. He worried about the safety of Alex, despite the fact he just met their cousin. He wanted to admit that was the first thing popped into his head once he heard the news, but all hope that she would do minimal stuff. All he could think about was her having a normal life. Something they never got to have.

With each passing minute, they were getting closer Bobby's. Since they usually crashed at his place, Dean hoped there would be room for them.

                                                    ☆ ____☽✮☾____☆

James completely forgot about the death of Ana Peterson, but luckily, Bobby was able to remember. As he went through the case to refresh his memory, Bobby never told the boys there were extra cases of bottled beer in the garage. But he was going to remind them once they walked in, seeing the both of them with a bottle. Every once in a while, James would look over to make sure Alex was alright. There were several times as she was growing up, her premonitions were more powerful whenever she slept. This even meant the headaches were excruciating the most.

"Everything, alright?" Bobby asked.

"This is the first time in weeks with her having premonitions, Bobby. It's usually not this quiet, that's all."

"What happens once they start up again?"

"It usually depends on how long they've been inactive, so to speak. One year, when she was around seven, there was nothing for about a week. Eventually, they were 24/7 for about three months. The constant headaches, even throughout the night, we could hear her scream in pain. Elizabeth tried everything to help her. Then about four years ago, there was nothing for about 2 months and the headaches became migraines to where she couldn't leave her bed. But since it's only been a couple of weeks, but who knows how bad these are going to be, Bobby. Think there's something in Elizabeth's old grimoire that might help her. She always left a section for anything to help Alex out."

Before Bobby could say anything, Sam and Dean walked in. They noticed Alex was sleeping on the couch, but James assured he could get her into the spare room. For once, Dean was willing to wait, since he noticed the bottles of beer. As James was waking up Alex, he kept apologizing and let her where the bedroom was. At first, everything seemed fine until Alex made it toward the archway. Dropping suddenly on her knees, Alex couldn't help but hold her head once again. With Bobby and James rushing toward her, Sam kept asking if everything was alright. All they could do was look at one another, even though James knew there was no way to hide this from them.

"We'll explain once we get Alex upstairs," Bobby assured.

"Once we get you to bed, I'll work on something for those headaches, hon. Something needs to work."

As the boys stood in the middle of the study, Bobby changed the plans and decided it would be best for her to be in the living room, since she wouldn't make it up the stairs. While James should've thought that before, but it was better. Before Dean could say anything, they could hear James promise Alex the headaches would be taken care of by morning. As Bobby walked back in toward the sketchbook, the boys wanted answers. While it took Bobby a couple of minutes to rethink it, he wanted a promise from the both of them over what was going to be mentioned.

"What's going on, Bobby?" Dean asked. Even though his tone was rough, he was also concerned.

"Alex has premonitions," Bobby started. "Elizabeth was the same way, but never had headaches like Alex does." Behind them was James. He was glad Bobby can help get them to understand what's about to be said. Saying nothing, he let Bobby finish talking. "Also, you can be pissed off at me or not, but your aunt was a witch."

"Come again?" Dean snapped. "Bobby —"

"Before you say one word, I never knew. James had to keep it a secret for decades, considering the small town he lived in. However, Elizabeth helped save our asses numerous times between spells and her premonitions."

"Let me guess? Part of the reason you hated our dad or —"

"That's not the main reason, Dean. Like any older brother, he promised to look out for me after our dad disappeared. We had the greatest relationship until suddenly one day when I was eight. He felt as if I was holding him back because, apparently, I would embarrass him. I might've been the biggest nerd growing up, but John never had an issue with that, even though it wasn't his thing. My entire room was filled with stuff that had to do with history, mythology, folklore, and even replicas of skeletal dinosaurs sitting on my desk and shelves. Every time he hung out with his new friends, he joined in on the bullying. Because that's when I figured it would be best to start cutting ties. Believe me, he wasn't showing remorse, either. I was surprised when he found me in Madison. But sure as hell was pissed when he found out I was actually living a good life without him, since I'm working as an archaeologist while being a hunter on the side."

"So he knew about Elizabeth and Alex?" Sam asked.

"From the moment he started making threats, I knew he was also a hunter," James replied.

"He knew I was a hunter as well. Just because I make good money from being an archaeologist, but also love living the simple life, at the same time." The room fell into silence as James noticed Dean was trying to let this sink in. "He made threats toward them, Dean. Alex was only six when he arrived, but we survived a few more years before we decided to move to protect them both. I know we could've picked anywhere else to live, yet Sioux Falls would be better so Elizabeth could open up her bookstore here. I'll admit it took me years to trust her. However, she saved my ass when I was travelling to Ponca City for a brief vacation."

For the rest of the night, everyone took a break from the case. Dean said he wanted to know more about James and he's keeping his word. Before they could, James had grabbed the sketchbook from the table so Alex could have it, while he remembered to keeping Elizabeth's grimoire in the Mustang's trunk. Bobby knew talking about everything had opened old wounds over the relationship with John. Nevertheless, Bobby now understood the tension that was going on back in Tennessee. Even he explained to the boys all of this was new to him, as well.

As James came back, he went into the kitchen with the grimoire and hoped to find something that can help his daughter from all the hell.

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