Chapter 16

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     The drive was quiet. James couldn't stop thinking about the letter and wondered why Elizabeth never mentioned Jacob. He even would check in the rearview mirror to make sure Alex was alright. Her quietness and breakdown over the second letter finally got to her. He felt powerless and wasn't sure what to do or even say to his own daughter other than everything would be fine.

"I'm fine, dad. No need to keep looking at the rearview mirror."

"I'm just making sure that mixture your mom came up with is working, since you're spacing out again. Same premonition or something different?"

"Same. It's driving me nuts, actually. Even that has never happened before."

"Once we get to the house, I want to take a look at the sketches, if that's alright with you. Maybe I can help in some way. You know I'm a pro when it comes to ruins."

Alex couldn't help but give a faint smile as her father looked back through the rearview mirror. It was something to give her some sort of hope. With every minute passed, they finally arrived at the house. Dean was leaning against the Impala next to Bobby as they waited patiently for them. James had forgotten Bobby knew where he lived, since there was still so much going on through his mind about everything.

As Sam got out with the book, Bobby said, "I haven't seen that book in years, James. Hope the others are still safe?"

"They are, Bobby." While they had introduced Ashley to the family, Dean was quiet. However, he wasn't annoyed. All Alex could think of was the possible answer to what they were dealing with and hoping to finally reunite with Castiel after all these years. Ashley made her way to the kitchen, while everyone else stayed in the living room. Bobby thought it would be best to get the possible information first before contacting Cas so they can work on it more in the process. James agreed and Alex didn't seem to mind, including Dean.

"So what's the information, Sammy?" Dean asked.

Sam seemed annoyed, but continued to open the book as he read off what was in there. "Murder, killing, and slaughter outside of the battlefield," he began. "They're known as the Phonoi in Greek Mythology. They're the many sons of the Goddess Eris of strife and discord. The Phonoi have sisters known as the Ansdroktasiai, as they preside over the battlefield itself. Meaning this explains why Alex felt the faint sounds of metal clashing."

"It's definitely a possibility, but how many?" Bobby questioned.

"It's better than nothing," James disclosed.

"But it doesn't make sense, though," Alex joined in.


"Why would they murder mom? What do the other victims have in common? Besides, they only murdered mortals. Mom wasn't one."

"Alex is right on this one, James. There has to be a connection somewhere," Bobby admitted.

James didn't want to admit it, but Bobby and Alex were right. Something wasn't adding up on the connections and it had something to do with Elizabeth. "Alex? Want to look at their files and see if you can pick something up?"

"Can I, dad?"

"Go in my study and see what you can do, kiddo. We'll give you some privacy."

As Dean handed her all the files, all she could do was give him a weak grin as she quietly went into her father's study to get working. James had watched Dean as he picked up the concern over Alex. Not a minute later, the study closed as James said, "Either way, Dean. She can barely live even a semi-normal life. I've always been this helicopter parent ever since Elizabeth– But also, she needs to learn to protect herself, since she's going to outlive me."

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