Chapter 13

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It didn't take long to get back to Bobby's. As the two of them walked in, Alex needed some time alone as she headed toward the kitchen to calm down a bit. While James was still concerned about her well-being, he allowed it. Hopefully, it would be enough by the time Sam and Dean returned. In the meantime, he went to Bobby's desk with the items from the house. What bothered him was what could Paul possibly want with this? From what he told Dean about some of the things that were considered being linked to the supernatural, even Bobby never knew about them, either.

"May I ask?"

James knew there was no way to get past Bobby with something like this. Luckily, he wasn't going to give out every detail about what it was, but he would say the same thing he told Dean. As he filled him in, Bobby didn't seem to be surprised, considering he mentioned how John had done something similar.

"That's what Dean said," James admitted. "Besides. Think the tension is coming down a bit with him. However, I couldn't tell him what the threat John made, though. Don't think they want to hear that, even though they are grown ass adults."

"Now that is a surprise, James. To be honest, I don't blame you on that, either. He even made some threats toward you back in Tennessee, as well. However, we all know that John would've done it, too."

"No kidding."

"Now. What the hell happened back at that house, James? Your expression says everything."

"We didn't hear what was going on within the home, Bobby. Dean and I were talking and once we finished, I looked in the backseat to find it empty. Alex was halfway up the driveway when the both of noticed it. Dean had gone to the front window to find the victim and quickly grabbed the doorknob before Alex could. Then — For some reason she was drawn to her, even though the woman was deceased. It's difficult to explain, but I think Alex can figure out what happened to the victim with a single touch."

Not a minute later, Alex came back out. While she seemed to be a little better, it still bothered her what she went through. James gestured her to come over and sit on the couch, since he figured what she really wanted some company. It was one of those times, James didn't know what to do or even say. He always knew what to say whenever Alex was feeling down about something. Yet this time, he couldn't find the words to comfort her.

As the minutes passed, Alex felt better. She looked through some journals and her dad had calmed down, as well. This was something new to him and obviously new to his daughter. However, he wanted to know more about it. Unfortunately, the only place he could look was through Elizabeth's grimoire, hoping there could be some answers in there about it. Even though it contained numerous spells, it also contained some history of certain abilities. With time to spare, James took advantage of the time and went through it and see what he could find. Bobby, on the other hand, went through his books in the meantime until there was word from the boys. However, it didn't last long.

Bobby received a call from Sam. They finally got a name of the victim, as James watched him write it down. It was a moment with some relief. However, they knew it wasn't finished. James wanted to catch whatever this was before the case goes cold once again. After a couple of minutes, Bobby got off the phone. Sam and Dean would arrive within a few so they can try to get Alex to help more from earlier that night. In the meantime, Bobby and James talked it over for what was known so far.


"Her name is Tina Peterson. She worked at the local diner. What sucks is the victims are random, which doesn't help any."

"What bothers me is why Elizabeth ended up being a victim. Something else is missing here."

"The question is, James. What exactly is the missing connection?"

As the both of them looked over at Alex, they knew she had the answer. Although they still wanted to wait until the boys showed up, they were being patient. James had grabbed his late wife's grimoire and searched through the pages. Once he came to the section he was searching for, Bobby had left him alone. James remembered how Elizabeth would keep a section about certain abilities for witches, considering not every one of them are the same. Most of them contained rare ones and the reasons each witch would have this specific ability. All he hoped for was there can be something about what Alex did.

There were many abilities James had never heard of. Umbrakinesis being one of them. Whoever had this ability could manipulate and control darkness and/or shadows. Another was imprisonment, which allowed the user to imprison gods, divine beings, humans, creatures, or anything with little to no chance of escaping. Even the ability of imprinting. Basically, the user can copy powers for themselves or others. He had to admit they were interesting, but why would Elizabeth have an entire section of these abilities? As he counted the pages, there had to be about sixty pages full of them. However, several pages in, James found what he was searching for.

Remembering how Alex was reacting and the little information she gave back at Tina's house, it was the closest thing to what she did. Even though there wasn't much information at all about the abilities, but there were a couple that stuck out like a sore thumb. As he read each one, he noticed these always skipped a generation. However, he was relieved and actually found out that both can be helpful in the long run. Before he could say anything, Sam and Dean walked in, which made James feel even better.

"Alright? Hope you found something about what the hell happened back there, James," Dean mentioned.

"Yeah, I did. Surprisingly enough. However, I want to know what Alex felt once she touched Tina's forehead first."

James got Alex's attention as he gestured toward Sam and Dean to let her know they came back. While she was unsure if she was even ready to explain, but it could be helpful. For a few minutes, Alex prepared herself to discuss everything from what happened. Luckily, the three of them were patient enough, considering the situation. Within those minutes, Alex got off the floor and leaned against Bobby's desk. While nothing feared her, but this did.


"There was a lot of screaming," she began. "It wasn't from her, either. It sounded like there were many people doing all the screaming. However, there was a sound in the distance that I could barely hear, since it was so faint."

"Even though it was faint, is there a guess of what it could be?" Bobby asked.

"My guess? Sounds like clashing. Not sure what, but almost like metal or something. However, that's all I got, dad."

"It's fine, hon. It's better than nothing and gives us something to work with. Besides. I might have figured out something that might answer some questions. While I was going through your mom's grimoire, she has an entire section of rare abilities and there's a couple that might explain why you're so drawn to the deceased."

"This should be interesting," she sarcastically said.

"One of them is called the Death Sense," he replied. "Which the name says it all. Um... Basically, whenever a death is about to occur or in the middle of the act of it happening, the individual catches the sense of it. From what is written here, it skips a generation. However, it's just something that happens. The other is most likely Retrocognition, which is when someone perceives past events."

"So basically, nothing to worry about?"

"Nothing to worry about, kiddo. Even that one also skips a generation. The only thing I could think of is that your grandmother on your mom's side had these abilities as well."

In the meantime, everything calmed as Alex accepted these abilities. Even though it was something to get used to, but avoiding any sort of death would be impossible. For the rest of the night, Alex wanted to head home. Sam and Dean didn't mind, as they wondered if they could finish up the case at their house. Even Bobby didn't seem to mind, since he wanted to be there as well. With it being late, James would be at the bookstore in the morning to get the books from the back room. As they agreed, the boys, Alex, and James, called it a night. Hopefully, Alex could get some peaceful sleep for the night. 

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