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A tiny foot tapping on the back of his head woke Hako up. Hako had imagined he had a nightmare and it was all a dream until he seen the forest and looking at him was a small deer, it smiled and spoke to him.
"Never seen you in the forest before".
The words caught Hako offguard, he never knew deer's could speak. He thought he was dreaming.
"You can talk"?
"Yes I can talk"?
"I never knew deer's could talk"
"Whats a deer"?
Hako blinked....
"Your a deer"
"I'm not a deer, I'm a dreece"
"What is your name"? asked Hako who was now standing up
"Dreece, what is your name"?
Hako lifted the pieces of his broken sword and stored them safely then moved off east. There must be someone somewhere.
Dreece started following Hako through the forest.
"Why are you following me"?
"To see where you come from"
Hako never spoke, the forest was thick and heavy.
"You should come home with me its going to be dark soon and you dont want to be alone in the forest at night" invited Dreece.
"Maybe it was dangerous yesterday but today it's safe" replied Hako.
Dreece looked around him then started tugging at Hako's clothes.
Hako seperated Dreece from his top and asked "What are you doing"?
"It's not safe now, someone is coming" whispered Dreece. Dreece grabbed another piece of Hako's top and tugged harder but was interrupted by a deep growl.
Dreece's eyes widened when he seen the pattern of white fur moving through the trees.
Hako reached for the handle of his broken sword which still had some blade attached to it.

Yellow eyes appeared and a low strange voice followed...
"Go away Dreece and save yourself"
"You go away Roka" spoke the young Dreece.
Hako lifted his blade to his chest. The creature appeared more clearly. It was muscular with four round yellow eyes in a single line, its four ears twitched and whiskers seemed to glint in the sunlight.

"Who are you stranger"? asked Roka.
"I am Hako, a warrior of the Haya tribe and protector of the Prince and Empress"
"面白い" whispered Roka to herself.

A small crack broke the air and Roka noticed she was flanked.
"Time for you to leave these grounds Roka, you know the rules we live by" spoke Rice.
Dreece recognised her mothers voice.
Roka slowly moved away and got lost among the trees.
Hako lowered his blade and put it away.

A strong tall Dreece appeared, she was as tall as Hako and her antlers were high and sharp.
"" shouted Dreece. Dreece ran to her mother.
Rice looked at Hako..."Come with us" she said then moved off, Hako followed.

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