King Duru

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Roka's wounds were not healing.
She had her fights in your life but to fight her two sons had destroyed her heart and soul, she cried and wept for days, she refused to eat any food.
Hako did not know what to do except try and feed her small amounts of liquid.
Sitting at Roka's side Hako cried, he had nothing, there was no one to turn to for help, this world was strange to him.

A grunt noise had raised Hako's head and standing there was Monkey, Hako bowed low to the Monkey and begged for help over and over.
Monkey who was called Duru lay his giant hand on Hako's shoulder and said "We will save her".
Duru removed his black scarf and wrapped it around Roka's limbs, then other monkeys helped Duru.

That night Duru and Hako sat at the fire and Duru had told Hako that Kusari and Tama were now aligned with the Dreece.
Low music was being played by a monkey holding a giant musical instrument, Hako had never seen anything like it.
"The music will heal your friend" whispered Zi.

"The Dreece and the Roka were once family a long time ago" started Monkey speaking in his own language, Hako was able to understand him "then a ship arrived from the sea, it brought many bad things, Han and She who were the strongest of the Dreece and Roka faced the enemy together for they were very strong and loved by all...Han and She were slain by the enemy but in their death they had also eliminated the sea beasts, saving everyone, even me, I was foolish in my youth and arrogant and proud, I had gotten involved in something that led to the death of Han and She...I seldom come near Roka for I know her rage is still raw and tender"

Hako sat and listened to all the things Duru had spoken, his knowledge was old and his wisdon was precise.
Hako had spoken about Ancoric and the gifts he had recieved and of the promises they both made to one another, then spoke of his family, then of Okah.

"A great power is wielded by this monster" said Duru.

The next morning Hako woke and found Roka and King Duru talking with one another and Hako quietly slipped away to spend time by himself.

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