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After several minutes there was a pile of bodies and Roka's fire turned it all to ash.

A few days had passed and Hako was sitting by himself.
His mind was not at peace, he had to clear his thoughts.

Roka was out hunting beside the coastline. The hairs on her back had moved and she turned quickly.
Okah was standing there watching her.

"You dare face me alone"?
"Is it true that Hako shares the Ancoric with you"?
"No" replied Roka, moving closer to Okah slowly.
"He has kept all the knowledge wisdom and power for himself"?
"No, he has shared some things with me"
"He is sharing nothing with you, but I share everything" informed Okah.
"All you share is the evils of thus world" reminded Roka.
Okah laughed.
"I did not attack you, it was Hako that led You into battle, with the power of Ancoric I will make you a hundred times stronger"
A wave crashed against the rocks near Roka.
"There is bad in the good you perform and good in the bad, but Hako does not belong here, give him to me and you and your family will rule this world" continued Roka.

Hako's sweat was slowly running down his face, he was deep in meditation. The sweat had evaporated into a light green smoke, then what looked like green flames was surrounding his body, he had a vision of Ancoric fighting a creature that was as big as him, they used to be friends but chose different paths and ended up as enemies. When it was over Hako was exhausted, the night had arrived.
Hako opened his eyes and seen Roka staring at him from her spot.

"Do you miss your family"? asked Roka after she gave Hako fruit, her voice was softer than usual.
Hako gave thanks and said "Yes. I miss them every day and I pray for their safety"
"I might know someone who can help you"
Hako asked to be taken to the person straight away but Roka insisted that they go during the day.

That night Hako fell into a deep sleep and had a horrible dream about his family suffering at the hands of monsters.

The Power Ranger Ancoric Rising Where stories live. Discover now