7. Woman in White II

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Sam was on the phone with Dean, going on about Constance and his dad. Moth was laying on the dashboard, asleep.

Suddenly, Moth let out a long and low growl. Vinnie immediately looked at her cat and looked out the dashboard windows to see a woman wearing a white dress.

"Sam!" She exclaimed, Sam's eyes shot forwards and he saw her, attempting to break as quickly as possible. It seemed as if they hit the woman but she seemingly evaporated the moment the car came intact with her.

The two sat, breathing heavily.

Vinnie's eyes met the rearview mirror and she let out a scream when she saw a woman in the back of the car, "Take me home." The woman said.

"Take... me home." The woman repeated, her voice more stern.

"No." Sam replied, the locks in the car all went down on their own. Vinnie panicked, her breathing growing more anxious by the second.

"Sam! Unlock the car!" Vinnie exclaimed, attempting to get the lock on her door back up.

"I- I can't!" He shouted, repeatedly trying to get his own lock up.

Suddenly the car started driving on its own, Vinnie gasped and knew it had to be Constance.

Instinctively, Vinnie reached over and grabbed onto Sam's sleeve out of fear.

Sam went to pull away, but stopped himself after seeing the fear in Vinnie's eyes as the car continued to drive itself.

Neither of the two made a sound the entire drive.

The car soon came to a stop outside of a creepy old house, "It's The Welch's house..." Vinnie mumbled, glancing at Sam, her hand still tightly grasping his sleeve.

The lock on her door went up, causing both of the two's heads to snap to the passenger door. The door swung open and Vinnie was torn out of the car by some sort of unseen force.

With a scream Vinnie went flying and was thrown against a scrap in the yard, hitting her head.

Moth sprinted out of the car and to Vinnie's side, beginning to lick at the wound on her forehead.

Vinnie propped herself up onto her shoulders and saw the woman in the car, just about to attack Sam.

"Sam!" She yelled, crawling onto her knees.

"Vinnie? Vinnie!" A voice yelled from behind her, it was Dean.

He rushed to her side and helped her up, "Jesus! Vinnie what happened?!"

Vinnie shook her head and pointed at Sam, "She's going to kill him!" Dean set Vinnie down and rushed over to his car, both Sam and Constance were inside.

Dean fired several shots at Constance until she disappeared, Sam said something to Dean and suddenly began to drive the car directly into the house.

Vinnie scrambled to her feet as best she could and ran into the house, Dean close behind her.

Vinnie ran right up to the car and opened the, now, unlocked door. She grabbed Sam by the arm and pulled him out of the car.

"Vin." Dean called out, she looked back at him, he was pointing at something. Vinnie turned to see Constance holding a large picture frame, her eyes were teary.

She looked up and her eyes met Vinnie's. Vinnie swallowed thickly, nervously.

Constance dropped the picture frame and a heavy drawer came sliding towards the trio quickly.

The drawer pressed all three against the front of Dean's car, Vinnie let out a yelp as it did so.

It was squishing them all to death. Moth scratched hectically at the drawer, attempting to free them.

And when all hope seemed lost the sound of water came dripping down the stairs.

Vinnie watched in horror as Constance was faced with the ghosts of her dead children, the children she had drowned in the bathtub.

The children ran to their mother and the spirit of Constance began to warp and melt into nothing but a puddle.

The moment Constance was gone the pressure of the drawer crushing them faded and both of the brothers pushed it to the ground. Vinnie ran to Moth who jumped into her arms.

The two boys went and looked down at the puddle that was once Constance, Vinnie soon joined them.

The three stood in silence for a moment before Vinnie spoke, "Can we get out of here now?"


The three were in the car, Vinnie was lying down in the backseat with an icepack on her head. Sam and Dean were discussing where their Dad could be.

Dean wanted to go to the location they found, Sam said he needed to  get back to Stanford for an interview, so that's where they went.

They dropped Sam off and Vinnie got in the front seat once Sam had gotten back inside.

Vinnie exhaled and glanced at Dean, "So... Where are we heading to now?"

"Somewhere in Colorado." Dean replied.

"Been there before, worked a case on an alleged haunted house, turned out some crackhead had been living in their attic for a couple months." Vinnie chuckled, gaining laughter from Dean.

Dean began to speak again, "Man that..." he paused, staring off at a window in Sam's house.

Vinnie turned her attention to the same window, it looked as if fire had taken over the house.

"What the...?" She murmured, looking confused. Dean quickly got out of the car, "Stay there!" He shouted, Vinnie refused to listen and followed him in. The moment she entered the house she was met with an intense headache, but persisted.

They burst into the room where they had seen the fire and Vinnie looked at the ceiling in horror, on the ceiling there was a woman, her stomach gashed open.

Flames surrounded the woman and Dean pulled both Sam and Vinnie out of the room and outside just seconds before the whole house went up in flames.

An ambulance arrived just minutes later, along with a fire truck.

Sam was going through the back of Dean's car, Vinnie was sitting on the sidewalk with Moth by her side.

She glanced up at Dean who'd just nudged her with his foot and beckoned towards Sam. Vinnie stood up and walked over there with him.

Vinnie wrapped an arm around Sam's shoulders and gave him a small squeeze. "I'm sorry, Sam..."

The boy simply nodded and picked up a gun from Dean's truck, checking the ammo.

He tossed the gun back into the trunk and shut the lid, "We've got work to do..."

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