14. A Girl's Intuition

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As they walked towards the house, Cassie met them outside. Dean told her to stay home and not to leave the house.

They said quiet nothings to each other before kissing, Vinnie averted her eyes and glanced up at Sam. He patted her on the shoulder and then cleared his throat loudly.

Dean pulled away from Cassie and then walked back over to his car. Sam waited for Vinnie to get into the passenger's side, but she didn't. She got in the backseat, Moth followed her in.

"What, you aren't gonna sit up here?" Dean asked, turning around in his seat.

She shook her head, "Let's just kill this thing."

Sam slid into the front seat, then Dean started up the car and drove off.

The plan was to lure the truck onto the land of the church that Cyrus had burned down before he died. It was hallowed ground, so if his spirit crossed it, he'd be gone.

And it worked. The spirit of Cyrus was gone after crossing over the area. The truck was gone. Vinnie felt good with the work the trio had done, she was glad that Cassie and her mother no longer had to live in fear.


Goodbyes were being exchanged downtown. Dean went over to Cassie, Sam and Vinnie stayed by the car.

Vinnie glanced over at Dean and Cassie, Cassie's eyes locked with hers. She was saying something to Dean, Vinnie couldn't make it out. It was in whispers.

But, one of things she told him was, "I think someone you know has their eyes on you..."

Dean looked back at Vinnie, who averted her gaze quickly. His brows furrowed in confusion.

Him and Cassie hugged, but that was all they did. Cassie wiggled her finger, signaling Vinnie to come over. She did.

"It was nice meeting you-" Vinnie started, but was quickly pulled into a hug.

"Thank you, for everything." Cassie smiled, Vinnie hugged her back. "Of course.."

Cassie pulled away, placing her hands on Vinnie's shoulders. "Dean used to talk of you often, I think he still thinks of you the way he used to."

Vinnie's eyebrow raised, "How did he use-"

Cassie cut her off, "I tried to get him out of his oblivion with a hint, he'll catch on if you let him."

Vinnie's cheeks flushed slightly, "How did you know that I.. you know..."

"I can always tell, it's a girl's intuition." Cassie said, then pulled Vinnie in for another hug. "Now, you go get that boy."

Vinnie smiled shyly, "I'll try..." She chuckled, Cassie did too.

Then she walked off to the Impala, getting into the backseat once more for a much needed nap with Moth.

Cassie waved as they drove off.

"So, can we talk about it now?" Dean asked.

"Talk about what?" Sam questioned.

"Vinnie sudden teenage rebellion, what even caused it?" He glanced back at Vinnie who rolled her eyes.

"Well, sometimes girls change their appearance when they come to terms with certain things about themselves, isn't that right, Vinnie?" Sam looked at Vinnie.

"Sometimes..." She grumbled, then yawned. "Whatever, I'm tired. Let me sleep."

Coming to terms with things was a way to put it without really saying it. Dean was starting to catch on, just barely. He started wondering about what was going on in Vinnie's head. He'd discovered there were things he didn't know, but just how many things didn't  he know?

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