9. Motel

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Vinnie woke up late at night, the clock in Dean's car read 12AM exactly.

Dean was still driving, Sam was asleep in the back seat. Vinnie stretched slightly and her cat jumped up onto the dashboard, laying down and falling back asleep. They'd been on the road together for nearly a month now.

Dean glanced over at her, "Hey, did you sleep well? You were out for a few hours."

Vinnie nodded, "Yeah, I slept fine. If you want I can take over driving for a bit, if you give me a map or something. You look awfully tired, Dean." She chuckled softly.

Dean let out a stifled laugh, "Nah. Nobody drives Baby but me."

"Baby? You're telling me that you named your car?" Vinnie cackled and  slapped her hands against her thighs, trying to keep it quiet so as to not wake up Sam.

"Of course I named my car, you're just jealous I'm not calling you any pet names." Dean remarked with a mischievous smirk, glancing back at Vinnie.

Vinnie's eyes widened slightly as she scoffed, trying to hide the fact her face was growing heated and bright pink. A feeling grew in her stomach, it was one she hadn't felt for a long time, but she remembered it well...

"So, uh... Do you got a boyfriend?" Dean asked, breaking the awkward silence that came after his last comment only to make things even more awkward.

"Not currently, I had a few girlfriends and boyfriends," Vinnie replied.

Dean looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Girlfriends?"

"I guess I just see people for people," She shrugged, "I had my last boyfriend about a year before you came and found me." Vinnie let out a soft chuckle.

Dean glanced her way once more, "Oh really? What happened to him?"

"He wasn't interesting enough, he bored me. The man worked at 7/11 and smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. Plus all he wanted to do during his freetime was play video games and have me watch." Vinnie grinned, thinking about the few memories she had with her Ex.

Dean broke out in small laughter, followed by Vinnie joining in with him. "What a dork," Dean chuckled.

"That's what I'm saying, he literally had no life. I asked him if he wanted to go explore some alleged haunted house, he said he'd rather play a video game about a haunted house." Vinnie sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Wait, wait, wait... You wanted to go exploring without me?" Dean looked at her, genuinely upset.

Vinnie scoffed again, "Well, it's not like you even tried to contact me after you left. I've had zero idea where you've been for the last 10 fucking years, Dean. Besides, you were in and out of my life for years. Coming and going 24/7."

Dean tilted his neck to one side, cracking it. It brought back memories of all the bickering they used to do growing up, especially in High School. They'd always hang out whenever he was around, but it didn't mean they would always get along. They fought a lot, actually. Yet, they had a lot of good memories together.

In the backseat, Sam was wide awake and he'd heard the entire conversation, but was keeping quiet to stay out of the on-going beef between the two.

The rest of the car ride was deadly silent, that was until Dean pulled into a Motel parking lot at 12:32AM.

"I need to hit the sack," He announced to the two passengers in the car, "C'mon." He got out of the car, Vinnie grabbed her cat and followed Dean, Sam not far behind.

Dean got a room that was said to have three beds and the three went up to it. Room 207.

Dean used the keycard and unlocked the door, but to the trio's disappointment there were only two beds and a desk chair, no sofa or anything.

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