Part 2

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I jumped around fiddling and slightly altering the design of the device in front of me, giggling maniacally as I do so.

"Spacial dampener here a temporal simulator there, aha!" I step back, looking at the device. "If my calculations are correct I can simulate the evolutionary of any race I put the parameters in for... Which should I do first? Not a fire type, don't have the materials to counter a sun's gravity or heat... An ice type? No similar problem... Aha!"

I input the requirements, biomechanical being, High IQ, technopathic abilities, self replicating biomechanical nanites. Another bacteria got Time Manipulation, and a  third received energy absorption and release.

I saw how Azmuth theorised he created the Galvanic Mechamorph species, and I like those. However instead of diving fruitlessly into the experiments I'll just replicate a natural evolution of the species.

Pressing the button on top I let it start up while I change back to slide it under my bed. I had just finished packing up my non earth tools when Mom came in.

"Izuku... Can we talk?" She asked.

"Sure Mom, what's up?" I sit in the chair and swivel towards her.

"You've... Changed"

"Changed? How have I changed?"

"You've been more... Confident, more assured of yourself this past week. What happened?"

"You mean I've stopped being such a push over right? Had a rather... Interesting meeting same day I can't remember? Met All Might... He just confirmed everything that everyone's been beating into me. So I've settled for second best"

"Beating into- you met All Might?" She demanded in shock.

"Yeah, asked if I could be a Hero without a Quirk. He said no, so I stead I'll be trying for the Support Course instead, you know make gadgets that'll help Heroes" I let some lingering sadness from the day fill me, I have to cough the lump from my throat. "But now hat I have a direction to go in I have a lot of work to do, things to learn, ideas to put on paper"

She sighed. "Izuku, I'm not sure that's a good idea honey, Support designers are often attacked more than the Heroes that use their stuff"

"And? Once I get a licensed I can craft a state of the art security system, I've looked into the laws. A Support Specialist is allowed to defend their workshop with as much force as they deem necessary. If I just work from home, or live at work, I can defend myself to my heart's desire" I open the files I'd specifically downloaded for this situation on my computer screen to show her. "I was thinking of making a multipurpose android with capture weapons that could easily become deadly traps. As incentive to stop attacking"

"Izuku! That's dangerous!"

"And? We live in an age of superpowers and super criminals, if it gets the point across I'll make an example of the Villains that came after me" I stare at her, resolute in my choice.

I'm going to be a Hero, Support Course sure, but once I make the Omni- no I need a different name for it...

What was that old PreQuirk Era movie?

The Matrix?

Humans were trapped within a simulation of reality controlled by a system?

And it'll be storing the DNA of an unknown number of Alien Races.

A biotechnological simulation of the universe.




"Alright honey, if you know what you're doing" She looked around and stepped out.

The moment the door closed the hidden trigger in the frame where the bolt shoots through is activated. The lightbulb above pulses green and I see three different spots spark.

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