Part 8

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I take off left towards the outer areas of the underground facility, impaling everyone I come across in the upper thigh with my sharp talons. Not enough to cut arteries, but enough to definitely render them immobile for the next week.

"Intruder!" One managed to yell, this caused a cascade effect of people yelling intruder.

The ground rumbled and shifted.

"Interesting, Mimic on Trigger is a powerful Quirk true, but can you control that which you cannot touch?" I ask, tapping my chest to shine of purple bioenergy.

The next moment a chunk of wall flew at where I stood, slamming through my body as I phase through it.

"Too slow, maybe you should chill out here for a while" I rasp.

Taking a deep breath, I blew ice all across the walls, the surprisingly cold and strong ice acting as a barrier for Mimic's walls to be unable to react.

He'd have to possess the ice and manipulate it before using the walls again. My wings unfurl, sending me into the air without a sound and into the wall.

Funny thing about this, but when I'm in a wall one would assume I can't see.

In fact I gain perfect view of everything within thirty meters or so as if the wall was empty space and the edges are a one way mirror.

So finding the guy was easy, dragging him from the wall also easy.

Knocking him out was difficult since he'd just sink into stuff.

So I resort to punching him in the head over and over.

Simple and effective.

"Who the hell do you think you are!?"

I turn to see a large muscular man, with a thin aging man beside him.

"Me? You can call me Deku 10"

"Deku? But doesn't that mean worthless?" The old guy asked.

"Maybe, but I've decided to turn it into more of a slogan on how it's worthless to fight me" a tap to my chest and now I'm an Ectonurite.

With a cackle I turn invisible, flying at them.

"Where is he!? I can't hit ghosts!" Rappa demanded.

A yellow dome formed and in curiosity I test it, easily passing through it. Weak.

I possess Rappa and take out his pal with one well placed blow, destroying the barrier.

Half a dozen punches to the face later and I was forcibly ejected as he fell unconscious and gained too much brain damage to be controlled for the foreseeable future.

"Ouch that stings" I rub my non-existent chin.

Switching to XLR8 I zoom through the tunnels again, before finding Overhaul and his little truth telling pawn.

Now that it someone I want to truly torture.

But how should I do it?

Oh I know!

I stop and turn back to human, stepping around the corner into sight.

"Hello Overhaul, you can call me Deku 10. And I'm here to kick you ass for what you did to that sweet little girl" His eyes widen into rage.

"What did you do with Eri!?" He demanded, pulling a gun from his jacket and aimed it at me.

"I saved her, gave her a device that'll contain her Quirk till she's old enough to learn to control it" I smirk.

Deku 10Where stories live. Discover now