Part 11

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For the next few hours I watch as Kota and Eri got to know one another, I could tell Kota was out of his depth handling Eri since she's the definition of sheltered.

But he made do. Once I'd taught Eri the basics of a doggy paddle she enjoyed swimming immensely, chasing after Kota and smiling like a normal kid.

Kota introduced her to the concept of the sandcastle, which Eri really had a knack for, getting the details on her sandcastle to mimic walls and windows.

It was surprising but then they were off into the woods as 'Blitz' and 'Fastcat' for tag.

Feeling sleepy from the sun I lay back and take a nap, those two are perhaps the safest kids on the planet, worst they can do is get a concussion. Which would heal in a minute or two.

I wake from my nap to find the two kid had fallen asleep after tuckering themselves out on the sand, the tide had risen a bit.

"How long they been out?"

"An hour, you made the right choice about today" Serena said from beside me.

I turn and smile, seeing her laying down on a towel beside me.

"Hey beautiful, how was it?" I ask.

"It was alright, a rogue Galilean made a Black Hole near Galvan Prime so I had to step in. Nothing too bad"

"Ah, have the Galvans been informed about me? I know the Plumbers would've made contact about Level 20 technology and ways to counter it, especially after my huge display against All For One"

"Not yet, but give it a week or two, you'll have their answer. Vilgax has found out though, he's on his way and already putting plans into action"

"Bugger, shit's gonna get rough soon" I curse, leaning over to kiss her. "Why don't you take on a more human form, and I give you a massage~"

I got a giggle. "Oh Izuku, you know just how to get me all tingly"

Her galaxy skin shifted, morphing into a nice chocolate velvet smooth texture, she gained a miniscule bikini in black and her eyes, a deep shade of purple backlit with flaming suns.

Her hair darkened to deep brown, whipping around as she turned on her front.

I swung my leg over hers and began kneading my hands into her back, even with a human form she's the epitome of a woman.

Glossy wavy hair, blemish free chocolate tan velvety skin, pink pouty lips, yet underneath her soft perfect skin I could feel her muscle, she'd definitely lift a boulder or two one handed.

Knowing the storm coming my way I simply enjoy the day, soon I woke the kids and Kota headed home, I tucked Eri into bed after a small dinner and Serena joined me in mind in her natural form.

Despite being as hard as the fabric of Reality her skin had a rather surprising amount of give as I held her.



The alarm cut off as I rush into the Cortex, half asleep as Matrix bright up a multitude of screens.

The image I saw turned my gut into a brick.

"The Chimera Hammer... He's here"

 He's here"

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