Part 7

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A thud marks the muscleman's return.

"I don't know who you think you are but you messed with the wrong man!" He yelled.

I move in front of Kota, getting between him and the Villain. Now I look at him I remember who he is.

"You aren't touching Kota Muscular" I turn into Swampfire. "I won't allow you to kill him"

"Oh you think you're a Hero do you? Kid's gonna die in a few minutes whether or not you protect him. So why bother?" He sneered.

"Because I gave him something to heal with. He'll be fine"

"We'll see about that!"

He leapt forward at the same moment I did, I duck his swing, the air exploded around me as the power behind his punch was released.

Knowing I had to do this quickly, I bring my hand up to his face and release some knockout gas.

"What's that... Supposed to... Ugh" He falls over, the large amount of muscle covering his body receding back into his body.

"Take a nap big guy, the authorities should be here soon. Matrix, status on GPS trackers?"

"Bakugo is currently held somewhere I can't trace, you only used level 2 technology on those in case they were found"

I curse. "Damn it, I knew I should've gone with my gut with Bakugo's"

I knew he'd have a target in his back.

I knew I should chipped the fucker with something more complicated.

"Ow" I turn around and see Kota was waking, he sat up to see me, and freaked. "AH! S-stay back!"

"Calm down kid" I tap the Biomatrix and turn to human. "I just saved your life kid, I'm not about to hurt you"

"You! You're the guy all over the news!"

"Unfortunately, listen, I've given you the prototype of the technology All Might wanted from me. You have green forms, fast, strong and smart. To use it you press the button under the dial. You turn the dial to pick your choice. You gently press the dial down to change. You tap the faceplate when transformed to change back. Do. Not. Hit. It. You'll break it, understand?" I explain.

He nodded, calming down.

"Good" I reach for the Biomatrix and turn it left, left, right, left, right, clockwise circle, it faded from view. "It's fused with your skin so no need to worry about washing under it, nothing to wash. And it can still be felt, but only seen when he dial is up, alright?"


"Good. I'll be around to check up on you. Every once in a while, keep it secret, otherwise someone will try and cut your arm off"


"They did for me. Any injury you get that separates you and it will be healed shortly after. Matrix, scan Japan for Kurogiri's Warp Signature we got from the USJ incident, that might give us a lead" I order, standing.

"Mr Midoriya-Tennyson? Where... Where did you hide? They've been combing the planet for you. But there's been no trace of you" Kota asked.

"Call me Izuku kid, and who said I was on the planet?" I smirk and look at the night sky. "There's a lot more out there than anyone thinks there is... I've seen a small fraction, and it's beautiful out there"

"I found two common areas filled with Kurogiri's Warp Signature, do you wish for me to teleport you there sir?"

"No Matrix, send the addresses to Nezu"

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