Part 10

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I leap into action, flying at All For One.

He seemed amused and swung, only for his arm to be encased in ice as I weave around him, smacking him one across the back of the head. My ice creeps across his lower half as Four Arms came barreling forward, boxing his ears before uppercutting him.

In the air before he could react, Jetray shot him rapid fire.

The shots seem to be what woke him up as he released a massive wave of energy and wind, sending all but Diamond Head, Feedback and myself flying.

They go through two walls before vanishing in a sparkle of energy.

"Foolish boy. Numbers would work if you'd had the power to back them up!" All For One roared, appearing in front of me and punching at me. "Your parlour tricks are useless!"

I barely phased in time, freezing his arm as it passed through me.

"We have a lot more tricks where that came from"

Crystals crawled up his side, locking his leg into place.

Feedback released the pent up energy he'd absorbed from the wave into All For One, and making him scream.

Seems his resistance Quirks don't match Conductoid Bioenergy.

However Feedback got a glancing blow and sent into a bent I beam, being impaled through the chest.

With only Diamond Head and I left we look to one another and I back off, he managed to impale All For One before being shattered with a sonic blast.

Probably some kind of analysis Quirk assisting him.

I smirk as he works to free himself and tap the Biomatrix.

Immediately I grew to massive towering heights.

Immediately I grew to massive towering heights

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"Way Big!" I boom.

Not wasting any time I stomp down over and over on All For One.

The massive quakes caused by my actions didn't harm anyone as my copies had scanned and removed the remaining hundred or so trapped into the rubble.

I did ten stomps before crouching and checking the paste on the bottom of my foot.

"Biomatrix, scan for life signs" I boom.

"All For One Deceased"

I sigh and tap the Biomatrix, becoming Heatblast, incinerating the corpse.

"Disgusting" I retch.

I time out, the faceplate turning red, after making copies, them transforming, being destroyed, going Way Big then incinerating the body, I'm not surprised the energy supply was run short.

Normally I'd be able to do more but the rapid changes wore it down too fast.

"That was a simple matter, just squash him like a big bug" I roll my shoulders and turn around only to see Endeavour and Mirko in front of me looking ready to fight. "Oh come on! I just handled he guy who beat All Might! And you want to fight me?"

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