Part 4

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The ride to the USJ, AKA the Unforseen Simulation Joint was fairly tense.

I mean I understand why, I walk in and body Bakugo without any effort and walk out as if it was just another day. Not something one normally sees.

Bakugo was up the front beside Aizawa who was keeping an eye on him while I was around the middle.

"So, Midoriya, you know Bakugo?" A red head asks.

"Our mothers are basically sisters in all but blood. We were the same till we were four and Bakugo developed his Quirk" I sigh.

"What happened? Kero" Frog girl asked.

"He developed his Quirk, got praised by every single person he saw. It went to his head"

"And why does he seem particularly hateful towards you? You save his life or something?"

"Or something. He got his Quirk. I didn't" I state in a final tone, looking out the window.

"You're... Quirkless?" I turn and see Yaoyorozu looking confused.

"Yeah, but not powerless. Where my body can't help me. My mind's picked up the slack. Your suit's an example of that"

"You completely redesigned my outfit!? Why!?" She demanded

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"You completely redesigned my outfit!? Why!?" She demanded.

"You had a literal bookshelf on your lower back, and a dictionary. And showed your tits off to the world while covering your entire back. I did you a favour by giving you that visor. And now you can make big shit without needing a new costume every time"

"But I spent months working on that design!" I couldn't help but chuckle at her morose expression.

"Months? It took me five minutes to come up with five seperate designs that were both more conservative and efficient. Be glad I didn't give you a thought reactive visor like I originally wanted"

She blinked a few times.

"You can do that!?"

"Mhm, a tiny chip resting against the back of your neck and you'd be set. But Power Loader denied it, said that what I wanted was way too difficult. I've made a dozen of those chips at home"

She stared, pale and in shock before just passing out.

"Huh, why is it always he simple stuff that gets them?" I ask myself.

Silence was all that answered me.


We arrive and Yaoyorozu was roused with a zap from Kaminari as I learn his name is.

She wouldn't stop staring at me though and I found it unnerving so I stuck by Aizawa.

I saw the Space Hero: 13 waiting for us.

I ignore her 'Quirks can be dangerous speech and instead brush up on the schematics of the USJ I stole from the UA system.

We enter as 13 talks and the moment the doors sit behind us my HUD switches from normal bluetooth to Subspace transmission process.

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