Part 9

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"A Celestialsapien!" I gasp. "Erm... Yeah I did, but it wasn't a... Bad change was it? I wanted them to suffer for what they did but refuse to resort to torture"

I change back, absolutely petrified. This being can erase my existence from Time and Space itself!

"No, but it did catch our attention, you see, every Celestialsapien is in charge of a different Universe, every time the Contumeli create a new Universe a new Celestialsapien is born, put in charge of that Universe and keeping it alive. We never really interact with them unless something or, someone manages to peak our interest" They spoke.

"So... Am I in trouble?"

"No, since it was Eri tormentors you punished. That's the only reason we're allowing you to get off with a warning this time. And you did after all make sure there were no other versions for them to run into and cause a temporal unraveling. We have a soft spot for the kid" They turned to the hall and I saw the sadness in their eyes before they turned back. "However"

I flinch slightly.

"You were never meant to have created the Biomatrix. This timeline... It was anchored by ourselves to never be able to host an Omnitrix of variant creation along the same lines, and the anchor remains, somehow you have managed to evade that line... You intrigue us" They said, looking at me with a curious stare.

"Well... You said Omnitrix and it's variants, like the Nega and Zombitrixes right?" No reaction yet. "The Biomatrix is just that, a Matrix of Biological energy and state. Biomechanical, it's less of a gadget capable of recreating dead species than an unaware living symbiote capable of granting the host abilities similar to the Omnitrix. I never wanted to recreate the Omnitrix. A dead tool with omni possible potential. If that thing ever ended up self aware it'd be a one in infinite chance that it doesn't become a cold emotionless machine. The Biomatrix is... Well I honestly don't know how to describe it anymore"

"We wish to observe the device" It said.

I raised my arm and allowed he nigh omnipotent entity to grab it, surprised at how soft it's indestructible fabric of Reality 'skin' was. It's fingers ran up my arm, causing goosebumps and a few butterfly sensations to fill my stomach. The Core popped out and the Celestialsapien's eyes focus on it.

"A... Remarkable entity, you were right not to try and describe it... We don't think any Celestialsapien's ever come across this being you've created" I could hear the genuine surprise in their voice.

"Thank you"

Much to my surprise it gained a nebula across it's face, and I suddenly realise that in it's examination of the Biomatrix that it had brought me right up against it's body.

And I realise that it- she's completely nude.

My eyes lock with hers, watching countless stars be created and explode within them, the creation of galaxies, nebula, and subsequent end of them all beautiful.

"Your eyes are... Amazing" I whisper.

Suddenly I feel lips press against my own, completely shocked I don't even manage to think properly before kissing the nigh-omnipotent entity back.

Our eyes remain open but I'm almost drawn into her eyes, my entire existence revolved around her eyes and her lips.

Warmth exploded in my chest, growing into an inferno as memories not my own flood my mind, showing me the history of the Celestia- Serena. Most of which wasn't of the Universe and the Infinite timelines she could access so much as her choices, alterations and personality.

Serena is a rebel of sorts among her people, who three personalities had merged a long time ago.

She's got the kindness of her Compassion Personality, the dominant one, the protective rage of her Aggressive Personality and the logical thinking of her Logic Personality.

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