Part 13

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Since I wanted to see how smart this Syphon was I actually wait to see how he does it, my initial assessment of Kota was right, he's merely unconscious, might have some jitters for a week or two from electrical overstimulation but ultimately fine.

Might need to activate the counseling program though.


I sat in my spot for roughly half an hour as Syphon worked, I wasn't too worried about Kota as he was still feigning unconsciousness on the table.

The violent crackling of sparks sounded and a loud blast of energy shot from the Aquamatrix, sending Syphon flying across the bridge.

"I can feel it! The power of the Omnitrix! Hahahaha! Finally! After so long I have the Universe within my grasp! And nothing can stop it now!" Vilgax cackled as I entered the room.

He doesn't notice me as he activated the Aquamatrix and made his selection.

Little does he know that the first transformation he chooses has a bit of a...


He presses down on the dial and the blue glow bursts forth.

The light died out t reveal a deformed, hunchbacked near skeletal Four Arms.

"I... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME SYPHON!?" He bellowed in rage.

He leapt across the deck and punched Syphon but his blow only tossed him into a console, not crushing his head.

"It's not what he's done... But what I've done" I call, announcing my presence.

He spin, Syphon jerked his head up and even Kota gave up on pretending to be unconscious to look at me.

Well Kota took a look at Vilgax's new form first but then he looked at me in horror.

"You! What have you done to me!?" He roared.

"Simple. I knew that at some point someone would get their hands on one of my Matrixes and attempt to hack it. So I set up a little simulation of a brother and sister of every Alien DNA sample I have and well... Everyone knows what happens when inbreeding grows rampant" I gesture to him. "So congrats, you are now the seven hundred and twelfth child of the original DNA that one usually turns into. And it's now your permanent DNA. Aquamatrix, Self Destruct, 000 Destruct 0"

"Self destruct initiated. T-Minus 30 seconds" The Aquamatrix spoke.

"Also, that's the Mark 1 I made, my arm is currently the Mark 4"

I become XLR8 and zoom out of the way as Vilgax leapt towards me and free Kota.

I rush out of the room while Vilgax struggled to free himself from the hole in the floor his fist had made and returned to where my pod crashed into the Hull.

"Izuku! I'm so glad you're here!" He hugged me.

"No problem Kota, know if he's got any prisoners here?"

"Found them"

I turn to see a copy coming down the hall with Galvanic Mechamorph child and a Tetramand child.

"Alright, Matrix you here?" I ask.

"I am, I have a lock on four people"

"That's us"

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