Part 12

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The light faded to reveal me in alien form.

"XLR8!" I rush her.

Her shoulders pop out and aim at me, firing red energy blasts.

I pass around them, coming up beside her.

I leap and turn into Upgrade, flowing over her and into the mechanical parts of her.

From there I began scanning and memorising the code, and disassembling it all.

"Get... Off me!" She tried pulling me off her face but I resist, almost...


She managed to yank me off her even as she fell to the ground in pain.

I change back and step away, bringing my wrist up as I do.

"Matrix send down a containment cube"

It formed above the Biomatrix dial and I catch it.

She stood, shaking slightly.

"What? You think you beat me?" She asked. "I can handle a little shock"

Then her skin faded to caucasian and the mechadroid parts fell to the ground.

"More like I know how to beat you, remove your weapon" I walked towards her, making her back away in fright.

I drop the cube onto the remnants of the mechadroid before vanishing.

"You have no idea of the things you're messing with girl. Go back to petty theft and auto theft eh?"

I clock her good, out before her head hit the ground before turning into Jetray. I take to the sky even as the cops swarmed her to head towards the mechadroid sight, finding a few Heroes looking over the wreckage.


I shoot a neuro shock blast from my eyes which hit the ground between one Hero who was reaching for the wreckage.

I land.

"Back away, it'll assimilate you" I order.

"Who the hell do you think you are!?" A Hero demanded, he has some kind of targeting Quirk from what I remember.

"Me? I'm the guy these things are being sent after. Matrix, gimme another" I toss this containment cube on the wreckage.

It was taken away.

"I informed the Government's that would listen that these mechadroid drones assimilate people in physical contact when destroyed. America send out a memo over a month ago to every Hero. You idiots almost got assimilated, be more careful. Matrix, bring me back"

One dived at me but fell through my body as I vanished.

I reappear in the RV and check the news.

Nobody seems to have been particularly injured, mostly thanks to the Heroes and body armor.


It's getting late so I start cooking dinner out in the BBQ in sight of the other campers and Eri who was off with some of the other kids.

They came over and I dished up a bunch of plates for everyone.

It's nice here.

And not one person's questioned me about my age.

It's been three months since Vilgax gave his time limit, he's bound to be getting impatient.


The remaining three months of the deadline pass with more and more mechadroids showing up and causing chaos to draw me out, usually handled by Heroes while I end up on disposal duty.

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