Part 6

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"So when were you planning on announcing yourselves?" I ask my guests.

"You knew we were here? Why aren't you surprised we got past your admittedly advanced security system?" Azmuth's aged voice asked.

"Only two people know where this laboratory is, myself and the man who knows almost everything in the universe. No human could ever get in and I programmed the two of you to be allowed into the security system" I turn around to see Azmuth and Professor Paradox sitting in chairs to the side calmly. "So what can I help you gentlemen with? Another Chronosapien Time Bomb level threat?"

"Not so severe, I came to give you that Chronosapien sample I promised you four years ago" Paradox smiled, pulling a small chip from his pocket.

"And I'm here to see your progress on your Omnitrix. From what I can see it's a fine work in progress, for a human" Azmuth said, having a copy of my designs in front of him.

"Recommendations?" I ask as Paradox plugged the chip into a terminal.

"You'd ask me for advice?" Azmuth seemed shocked.

"I mean, yeah, smartest person a know, creator of the Omnitrix and you've probably perfected it in your Timeline"

"Glad to see someone not be a boneheaded idiot and think they know best... Hmm, you have an open programming segment in the Calibration software, what are you planning?"

"I was thinking of either having it connect with my mind and give me better transformations in a situation ha what I pick, or fuse with my body itself" I bring up a few images of what I was thinking.

"I was thinking of either having it connect with my mind and give me better transformations in a situation ha what I pick, or fuse with my body itself" I bring up a few images of what I was thinking

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