The Dark

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In Hell, there is an event known as the extermination. It's an event that happens every New Year's Eve, and the event has a lot of bloodshed. Thousands upon millions of sinners are killed by Angels from Heaven. According to the Angels, it's to help with Hell's overpopulation. Many sinners believe there's a different reason however, especially one demon.
"Give me a status report on how many casualties there were from this year's extermination." A woman cloaked in shadow spoke to her servant.
"A total of 9,527 demons have been killed."
"And how many of those were high rank demons?" She asked with a glare, piercing straight towards the deepest part of her servant's soul. He slowly lowered his head as he read off the number.
"27." In response, the mysterious woman punched the wall, leaving a hole. Through this hole, the landscape of Hell could be seen. The sky was a hazy red, and the sounds of screaming and the scent of smoke was all too familiar.
"Princess Soga, please calm yourself." She swiftly turned to look at him with a hate filled look.
"How can I be calm?! The number of high rank demons killed is 8 more than last year. Those damn Angels claim it's to handle the overpopulation, but I bet those fucks get a sick kick out of killing us. Even if it's because of the population, it wouldn't be so high if the damn pricks guarding Heaven's gates weren't so damn picky." She stated viciously. Her name was Hisako Soga, and she was the current princess of Hell.
"It's not wise to take this personal your highness, that can cause rash thinking." The servant tried to quell her rage, but to no avail as she pushed past him, knocking him to the ground.
"How can I not take it personally? May I remind you that 3 years ago the King of Hell was killed in the extermination, and the Queen suddenly vanished." The servant climbed to his feet as he tried his best to get her to think reasonably.
"Your highness, you know more than anyone that Hell is for the worst of the worst. Some of the worst sinners are hard for us to handle, so the extermination helps if anything."
"Are you serious?" Hisako glared at him as her gaze bore deep into his soul.
"Hell borne like you and me are naturally powerful. As for the sinners who died and came down here, how strong they are depends on how big the sin they committed was. Only low rank demons, the weakest, are targeted. The worst sinners are only targeted if they try to fight the Angels." Hisako opened a portal, shocking the servant.
"Where are you going your highness?"
"I'm going up to Earth. I know there are humans closely connected to the Angels. If I take them out, not only will the Angels get weaker, but they'll also get a taste for how we feel." Before the servant could try to stop her, Hisako walked through the portal as it closed behind her. She was in an alley, and felt a shiver.
"Colder than my circle, though warmer than the coldest circle." She commented as she used her demonic magic to change her appearance to match those of the humans. As she walked through the streets, she could smell the sin from the humans. Her nose was suddenly hit with a sweet scent.
"There's the smell of an Angel ally." She thought as she ran ahead. She saw a man praying over a dead animal.
"Your prayers won't do anything, now why don't you go join it." She said in a cold tone. The man turned to look at her, but she quickly burned him to ash before he could speak. She cradled the dead animal in her arms as she watched to a softer patch of land. She dug a hole and buried the body.
"I don't know where you'll wind up little fella, but I'm sure you'll be treated well." She said her parting words as she walked off. Over the course of the next month, she killed about 100 worshipers. She felt accomplished, but knew it wasn't enough. She smelled a very pungent sweet scent as she walked around.
"It's so strong, that'll definitely make a dent in the Angel's strength." She said to herself as she ran in the direction of the scent.

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