Turning Point

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Hisako and Natsumi walked hand in hand into the meeting room, and sat in their respective seats. Hisako looked over in the direction that of Delilah before speaking.
"Would I be right to assume you informed Paimon and Damien of the topic of discussion?" Hisako asked. Delilah met Hisako's gaze steadily, her expression composed with a hint of playfulness lingering in her eyes.
"Indeed, your Highness, I've briefed both Paimon and Damien on the essentials," she confirmed smoothly, her voice maintaining its usual professional tone, but with a playful undertone.
"They are both prepared for the discussions, understanding the sensitive nature of the information and the importance of our gathering." She paused, a mischievous glint appearing briefly as she glanced at Natsumi then back to Hisako.
"Of course, I did leave out the more... personal developments. After all, some surprises are best delivered in person." Delilah's response was carefully crafted to add a layer of lightness to the proceedings, subtly teasing Hisako and acknowledging the personal dynamics at play without compromising the gravity of the official agenda. Hisako nodded as she focused on the rest of the group.
"Thanks to information given to us by Natsumi, we can confirm that there's a rat among us. I'd like to try and shorten the list of suspects as much as possible." Delilah's expression sharpened at the mention of a traitor, her playful demeanor swiftly giving way to a more serious, calculating presence.
"An excellent plan, your Highness," she responded, her tone laced with determination.
"Identifying the depth and reach of the betrayal within our ranks is crucial. We need to isolate the threat before more damage can be done." She leaned forward slightly, her eyes scanning the assembled demons, assessing their reactions subtly.
"Perhaps we should consider tightening security protocols, and implementing more... discreet ways to monitor communications and movements among our ranks. With your permission, I could initiate a few subtle inquiries—nothing overt, just enough to make the disloyal ones nervous and perhaps slip up." Hisako shook her head in disagreement.
"No, that would take too long. We need something quicker." Everyone pondered for a moment before Natsumi spoke up.
"I might have an idea." Delilah turned her attention to Natsumi, her expression reflecting a mix of curiosity and respect for the young mortal's initiative.
"Let's hear it," she encouraged, her tone conveying both urgency and openness to creative solutions.
"Given the delicacy and urgency of the situation, any fresh perspective could prove invaluable." Natsumi stood up in front of everyone, taking a deep breath before speaking.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but only Sinners can't move between circles right?" Everyone nodded, confirming this information.
"I suspect the traitor would need to be able to move between rings, so if Sinners can't do so, and we assume no one ranked below them are suspects, that would leave two groups. The 72 Goetia, and 6 of the 7 Sins, plus Lilith as well. If we go by my logic, that would narrow the suspect list from anywhere in the millions to just 79." Natsumi said in a matter of fact tone.
"Astute observation, Natsumi," she replied, her voice tinged with approval.
"Narrowing our focus to those capable of moving between circles indeed reduces the complexity of our task." She leaned forward, her gaze sweeping across the other attendees, weighing their reactions.
"Now that we have a manageable list, we should consider each individual's motives and opportunities."
"Let's try to narrow it down a bit more, smaller the better. Of the Goetia, which ones would you say have the highest likelihood of having contact with Heaven?" Hisako questioned. Delilah pondered Hisako's question, her gaze drifting momentarily as she considered the dynamics of their infernal hierarchy and its possible intersections with celestial entities. She then refocused on Hisako and the others, her voice carrying a confident and analytical tone.
"Among the Goetia, we should consider those who have historically held roles or duties that might necessitate or facilitate interaction with celestial beings," Delilah began.
"This includes those tasked with negotiations, treaties, or information gathering that crosses realms. Also, consider those with a penchant for personal agendas or power plays that might align more with Heaven's interests than our own." Hisako thought for a bit before replying.
"Heaven may be kind in some aspects, but they're extremely cautious, I doubt they'd ally with someone who can't hold their own. With that being said, I think the Sins are safe considering I'm aware of everything they do at all times being Hell's current ruler. As well, we could probably narrow it down to the top 10 or top 5 in the Goetia given their strength." Hisako deduced as she thought. Delilah nodded in agreement with Hisako's reasoning, appreciating the methodical approach to reducing the scope of their investigation.
"A sound deduction, your Highness," she affirmed.
"Focusing on the top tiers of the Goetia not only makes sense from a strategic point of view, given their power and autonomy, but also aligns with Heaven's likely preference for strong, capable allies." She paused for a moment to gather her thoughts, then added,
"If we consider the potential for a high-ranking Goetia to have the means and opportunity to interact with Heaven, we should closely review their recent activities, any unusual alliances they've formed, or significant changes in their conduct. This scrutiny should extend to any unexplained wealth or resources, as these could be indicative of collusion or receiving favors."
"I wouldn't be so upbeat Delilah." Damien stated in his usual harsh tone.
"May I remind you that we too are in the top 10. I'm willing to bet the princess will have trouble trusting us to do the searching given how we're also on her hit list." Delilah's lips curled into a slight, mischievous smirk as she turned back to Damien, her eyes glinting with a playful challenge.
"Scared, Damien?" she teased, her voice laced with a skeptical tone.
"It's unlike you to doubt our capabilities, especially when they pertain to our own ranks. Or is there a particular reason you'd prefer a more... distant investigator in this matter?" Her tone was light, yet the underlying seriousness of her inquiry was clear. She was probing, testing his response while maintaining the jest to keep the conversation from becoming too charged.
"Don't step out of line Nightshade. You may be one rank below me, but the gap between us is still large." Damien glared back at Delilah. Delilah's smirk widened as she locked eyes with Damien, the air between them crackling with their unspoken rivalry.
"Ah, Damien, always so quick to remind us of your formidable stature," she quipped, her voice dripping with mock reverence.
"But, let us not forget — even titans can be tripped up by smaller stones. It keeps things interesting, don't you think?" Her tone was clearly teasing, deliberately prodding at Damien's pride to unsettle him, perhaps hoping to reveal any underlying tension or secrets he might be guarding a bit too fiercely.
"After all," Delilah continued, her gaze still fixed firmly on him,
"it's often those who stand just below who best see the potential chinks in the armor. Wouldn't you agree?" Seeing that a fight could potentially break out, Hisako swiftly broke them up and ended the meeting, saying she would look into things herself. Damien left immediately. As Hisako decisively ended the meeting, Delilah nodded in silent acknowledgment, her expression composed and observant. She watched as Damien exited swiftly, the tension still palpable in the air. Delilah's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. After a brief moment of contemplation, she quietly rose from her seat and followed him out. Her steps were silent and deliberate, blending the line between a calculated approach to gather more insight and a subtle attempt to perhaps smooth over the heightened tensions. Delilah turned a corner to see Damien suddenly vanished. She looked around to try and find him, but suddenly felt something cold and sharp against her neck.
"I'd choose your next move wisely. This blade is made of the same material as the weapons used by the exterminators, damage taken from these can't be healed." Damien said. Delilah felt the cold edge at her neck but couldn't suppress a small snicker, her demeanor unfazed by the sudden threat.
"Well, well, Damien," she said lightly, the amusement clear in her voice despite the dire circumstances.
"Resorting to celestial armaments? I must say, I'm flattered you consider me such a formidable opponent." She kept her movements minimal, keenly aware of the blade's unyielding presence.
"But really, if you wanted my attention, a simple 'stay where you are' would have sufficed." Her tone was teasing, masking the careful calculation behind her words as she tried to gauge Damien's intentions and possibly de-escalate the situation.
"That would draw attention, which isn't something we want." A feminine voice spoke from in front of them, but it was hard to make out her identity due to her being hidden in shadows. Delilah's eyes narrowed slightly as she focused on the figure obscured in shadow before her, her senses sharpening despite the precariousness of her situation.
"Ah, so we have a mystery guest," she quipped, her voice steady and infused with a hint of intrigue.
"I must say, your methods of introduction are quite... memorable."
"Now now, is that any way to speak to your Queen." The woman stated as she stepped forward, revealing herself as Lilith, the Queen of Hell. The revelation of Lilith stepping from the shadows instantly shifted the air around Delilah, but her response remained composed, with a slight bow of her head in recognition of the power and position before her.
"My apologies, your Majesty," Delilah replied, her tone mixing respect with a hint of her characteristic sharpness.
"It seems we are in the presence of royalty in more ways than one tonight."
"Watch your tongue Nightshade!" Damien barked as he brought the blade closer to her throat.
"Now Damien dear, I'm sure the rat has questions, doesn't she?" Lilith commented with a smile, but a visibly sinister undertone could be seen. Delilah let out a soft chuckle, undeterred by the blade's increased proximity to her neck, her eyes flicking momentarily to Damien with an amused sparkle.
"Temper, temper, Damien. Such hostility isn't becoming of one of our rank," she teased lightly, her voice a mix of mockery and calm. Turning her attention back to Lilith, Delilah's demeanor shifted slightly, her posture relaxed but her senses alert.
"Indeed, your Majesty, questions abound," she acknowledged, her tone respectful yet tinged with her characteristic boldness.
"Might we be enlightened as to why this encounter needed to be shrouded in such mystery and menace? And what exactly are you implying by calling me a 'rat'?" Delilah's gaze was steady on Lilith, probing for truths hidden beneath the layers of intrigue and threat.
"I only have one goal, and that's to take my rightful spot as ruler. That worm however is in the way." Lilith responded with a disgusted look on her face. Delilah's expression remained composed, though her mind raced to connect the dots of Lilith's blunt declaration.
"Ah, ambition as clear as the darkest night," she responded smoothly, her voice maintaining an even tone despite the tension of the blade at her neck.
"And when you say 'that worm,' I presume you refer to Hisako?" She tilted her head slightly, giving Lilith a keen, assessing look.
"Assuming the throne involves moving many pieces across the board, not just removing obstacles. What role, then, do you envision for those of us who currently serve under Hisako's rule?" Delilah's question was strategic, probing Lilith's intentions further while subtly seeking information that could be crucial for her own survival and advantage.
"May ai remind you that she only got that role because of Lucifer's demise. It would only make sense that I'd be next after her death, such is the way of our family." Lilith stated bluntly as she grabbed Delilah's face and forced her to look into her cold eyes. Delilah met Lilith's cold gaze with unwavering intensity, her own eyes reflecting a calm defiance despite the uncomfortable grip on her face.
"Family politics in Hell certainly carry their own... unique set of challenges," she remarked coolly, her voice steady even under duress.
"But succession by lineage isn't always a given, is it? Power must be seized and then held, often against all challengers." Releasing a slow, controlled breath, Delilah continued, her tone subtly shifting to probe Lilith's strategy.
"And should you ascend, what assurances would there be for those of us who've loyally served the current regime? What fate lies for the likes of Damien and myself in your reign?" Lilith let out a small laugh at her remark.
"How others feel does not hold any standing. Any who disobey will be killed by me personally, regardless of who they are." She said as she glared at Damien, who looked down at his side. Delilah's eyes narrowed slightly at Lilith's declaration, the gravity of the threat sharpening her focus. Her gaze flickered momentarily towards Damien, observing his reaction and the dynamic at play between him and Lilith. With her usual calm restored, Delilah spoke, her voice laced with a hint of steel.
"A ruler's strength is often measured not just by their ability to wield power, but by their capacity to inspire loyalty," she pointed out, her tone suggesting both a critique and a challenge.
"Fear can compel obedience, true, but it rarely breeds the deep allegiance that thrives in more... mutually beneficial arrangements." Lilith pulls Delilah towards her and pins her to the ground with just her heel.
"Oh I'm well aware dear, that is why Hell's monarchy will change into what it should've been from the start, a dictatorship." Pinned under Lilith's heel, Delilah managed a wry smile, her composure unshaken despite the precarious situation.
"A dictatorship, you say? Such decisiveness," she murmured, her tone teasing and slightly flirtatious despite the gravity of Lilith's words.
"Though, I must admit, this is quite the persuasive technique you're employing here. I can't help but wonder if all your subjects will be as lucky as I am to receive such personal attention." Her words carried a light, provocative edge, skillfully maintaining her characteristic playful demeanor to perhaps lighten the mood or subtly remind Lilith that intimidation and force could only go so far in securing true loyalty.
"I'll admit, I'm impressed by how fast that brat pieced things together, she exceeded my expectations. However," Lilith let out a sinister laugh,
"she wasn't fast enough." Lilith voiced with a smile that clearly told that something big was about to happen. Still under Lilith's heel, Delilah raised an eyebrow, her expression a blend of curiosity and defiance. She met Lilith's gaze squarely, her voice laced with a hint of daring as she asked,
"Now, what are you planning to do, your Majesty? Especially with me?" Her tone was light yet edged with a clear note of challenge, teasing out Lilith's intentions while subtly asserting her own resilience and readiness to face whatever came next.
"You've outgrown your usefulness, you're no longer necessary." Lilith stated as she snapped her fingers, seemingly on command, two Angels appeared. They looked like Exterminators, but something felt different about them.
"Outgrown my usefulness, have I?" Delilah responded coolly, her tone still carrying a trace of her usual flirtatious edge.
"That's quite the dramatic pivot, Lilith. I must say, you do know how to keep things interesting." She glanced at the Angels, then back at Lilith, a faint smile playing at her lips as she assessed her options.
"However, if these are to be my escorts out of your future plans," Delilah continued, gesturing subtly to the Angels with a tilt of her head,
"might I suggest a last request? A final conversation, to negotiate the terms of my... departure?" Her words were carefully chosen, aiming to buy time and probe for any possible leverage or escape route. Lilith began to walk away as the Angels forcibly held Delilah down. She tried to fight them, but realized they were on a completely different level from the other Exterminators. Acknowledging the futility of physical struggle, Delilah ceased her attempts to free herself, instead conserving her energy and focusing on strategizing her next move under these new and challenging circumstances. Her expression hardened with determination, signaling her resolve to navigate this predicament with the cunning and resilience that had always defined her.
"You know, taking over Hell is only the first step. It isn't even my final goal." Lilith looked back with a sly grin. Delilah shot her a flirtatious smirk from her restrained position, finding a moment of levity even in captivity.
"Oh, Lilith," she called out playfully, her voice tinged with mock admiration,
"always the overachiever. Be sure to save a dance for me at your victory celebration. I do hate to miss a good party." Her quip was edged with irony and defiance, subtly challenging Lilith's grand plans while signaling that she wasn't defeated yet.
"It's a shame really, that you won't be alive to see it." Lilith face suddenly changed to be dead serious.
"I'm sure you've realized those Angels aren't Exterminators, well, not anymore." Despite the dire warning, Delilah maintained her composed demeanor, though her mind raced with the implications of Lilith's words. The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, a faint smile playing at her lips as she absorbed the reality of her situation—facing not mere Exterminators, but something far more potent and perilous.
"Well, Lilith," Delilah responded, her voice steady yet imbued with her characteristic bravado,
"leaving the party early does seem a bit rude. But it's always the guests you least expect who tend to make the grandest exits." Her eyes flicked briefly to the Angels, then back to Lilith, her final words a blend of fatalistic humor and a daring challenge, hinting that even in the face of death, she remained undaunted and defiant.
"Damien, see to it that the Eradicator's take care of her." Lilith ordered as she vanished. Damien turned to face Delilah.
"You should be honored, you'll be the first person the Eradicators kill while in the field, your death will make history." Damien said with a smile, which was very unusual for him. Delilah met Damien's unusual smile with a thin, unflinching smirk of her own, her eyes locking onto his with a piercing gaze.
"To make history in such illustrious company?" she quipped lightly, her voice smooth and unshaken by the gravity of her impending fate.
"I'm flattered, truly. Though I'd have preferred a statue in my honor rather than a footnote in the annals of demonic extermination."
"Oh it's much more than just an extermination. Anyone who disobeys her majesty Lilith will be Eradicated, no matter who they are. Be it Demon, Angel," Damien kneeled down to whisper in Delilah's ear,
"or even Human." Delilah's eyes narrowed slightly as Damien's whisper sent a chill through the air, the scope of Lilith's ambitions becoming disturbingly clear. Despite the dire threat, she kept her voice low and composed, laced with a trace of her unyielding spirit.
"Well, it's been fun. Any final words?" Damien asked as he prepared to snap his fingers. Delilah's lips curled into a sly, fearless smirk.
"Only this," she responded, her tone dripping with dismissive wit directed at Damien and a provocative edge aimed at the absent Lilith.
"Tell Lilith she's always known how to make an entrance and an exit, but she's truly outdone herself this time. And Damien, try not to be too boring without me around to spice things up." Her words were a blend of belittlement and flirtation, leaving a sting of challenge in the air as she faced the end with undiminished charisma. With a snap of Damien's fingers, one of the Eradicators swung their sword at Delilah, causing a big flash of light.

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