The Joining of Hearts

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Natsumi was getting ready for another day when she suddenly heard a knock at her front door. She quickly finished getting ready and opened the front door to see who was knocking, and came face to face with a woman that looked familiar.
"Can I help you?" She asked cautiously. The woman offered Natsumi a sly, knowing smile, her demeanor cool and composed as she leaned casually against the doorframe.
"Good evening, Natsumi," she greeted, her voice smooth and confident.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything critical. I come bearing an invitation from Hisako herself. She requests your presence at a rather important meeting concerning matters that directly involve you." Natsumi was surprised when she realized who she was talking to.
"Delilah? Sorry I didn't recognize you, you look completely different." Natsumi said with a chuckle. Delilah's smile widened, amused by Natsumi's observation.
"Ah, the perks of being a demon; we do enjoy our little transformations," she quipped lightly, the glint in her eye playful. She then shifted to a more business-like demeanor.
"I'm assuming the meeting has something to do with the information I supplied a few days ago, right?" Natsumi queried as her joyful expression turned to one of seriousness and determination. Delilah nodded, her expression mirroring Natsumi's shift to seriousness.
"Precisely," she confirmed.
"Your information has spurred some new lines of inquiry and discussions that require all our insights. Hisako believes your direct involvement is essential, given the implications of what you've uncovered." Natsumi gave a slight smile at this sudden coincidental meeting.
"I just so happened to have something I planned to tell her once we met again, lead the way." Delilah's eyes sparkled with curiosity at Natsumi's hint of new information, but she nodded professionally, respecting the need for discretion until they were in a more secure setting.
"Very well," she replied with a mix of anticipation and formality. She turned, leading Natsumi to the subtle distortion in the air—a portal that shimmered faintly, nearly invisible to the untrained eye.
"This way, then," Delilah said, stepping through the portal with a confidence that suggested she was used to walking between worlds.
"We have quite the audience eager to hear what you have to say."
"O-oh, the thing I wanted to tell Hisako has nothing to do with the meeting." Natsumi clarified as her face turned a rosy hue out of embarrassment. Delilah's eyes twinkled with playful mischief as she caught the hint of Natsumi's blush.
"Oh, a secret then? How intriguing," she teased lightly, her tone subtly flirtatious.
"I must say, secrets always add a certain spice to any encounter, especially in Hell. It seems you're becoming quite the adept player in our little games here." As they walked, Delilah kept the atmosphere light, her presence reassuring yet charged with a faint, enigmatic allure.
"Just remember, Natsumi, the corridors of Hell are rife with secrets, some more intoxicating than others. It's always wise to keep one's cards close to the chest—though I must admit, I'm terribly curious about yours now." Her smirk deepened as they neared their destination, her playful curiosity blending seamlessly with the gravity of their upcoming meeting.
"But worry not, your revelations will remain safe with me until you choose to share them. After all, what are a few more secrets between friends?"
"It's nothing special, it's just a love confession." Natsumi stated abruptly, causing Delilah to stop in her tracks as they both stood in silence for a few moments before Delilah broke it. Delilah's eyes sparkled with renewed amusement, her previous solemnity melting into a playful smirk.
"A love confession, in Hell of all places? You truly know how to stir things up, Natsumi," she teased, her tone laced with gentle humor.
"It's daring, it's bold—it's... refreshingly audacious." She gave Natsumi a teasing nudge as they started walking again.
"I must admit, I'm quite envious of the recipient of such ardor. Here I thought today's meeting would be the most thrilling event, but it seems you're planning to eclipse it with personal revelations." As they neared the meeting room, Delilah leaned in, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper.
"Do tell, are we about to witness a dramatic romance unfold? Should I have brought popcorn?" She laughed gently. "I'll tell Hisako before the meeting, so whether it's brought up is solely up to her, I just hope she feels the same." Natsumi voiced as she played with her hair nervously. Delilah's expression softened as she observed Natsumi's nervous gestures, her previous teasing giving way to genuine empathy.
"Ah, the age-old dance of hope and fear," she mused thoughtfully.
"It's a brave step you're taking, Natsumi. Love, especially in such a high-stakes environment, requires a courage not many can muster." She placed a comforting hand on Natsumi's shoulder, her demeanor supportive.
"Regardless of the outcome, you have my admiration for your boldness. And remember, whatever Hisako's response, you've honored your feelings by expressing them. That alone is a victory, no matter what follows." Natsumi nods as she runs inside to find Hisako.

Natsumi found Hisako's room and opened the door, seeing her.
"Hey Natsumi." Hisako greeted with a warm smile. Natsumi smiled back as she walked in Hisako.
"Hey, there's something I gotta tell you before the meeting." Natsumi said, prompting Hisako to tilt her head with curiosity. Natsumi took a deep breath as she held Hisako's hands lightly, there was no turning back now.
"I've had some time to reflect on who I am since learning who my biological parent is, and I've learned something new. Hisako, I like girls. To be more specific, I like you, a lot, and I'd like it if we could start dating." Natsumi confessed, visibly nervous.
"Natsumi," Hisako started. Fearing rejection, Natsumi began to pull her hands away, but Hisako grabbed on tighter, even pulling her into a tight embrace.
"Natsumi, I feel the same. I love you too, and I'd be happy to be your girlfriend." Hisako said opening, causing Natsumi to hug her tighter. They stared at each other for a few moments, their lips moving closer together. Their lips were inches away when someone suddenly knocked on the door. Hisako let out a small sigh she pulled away, still holding on to Natsumi's hand tightly however.
"That's our cue to get to the meeting. Can we continue this at your place after? I've always felt comfortable there." Hisako asked, earning an eager nod from Natsumi. The two made their way to the meeting room hand in hand.

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