Truth Is Not In Us

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Alastor was visiting Cannibal Town to see his dear friend Rosie while she worked in the parlor. He was seeking advice from her regarding what he heard over night with Lucifer. He of course kept all the details vague on who it was but just that they hated each other. And with all the people that hated him AND wanted to sleep with him, that didn't really dwindle the list down.

"So... lemme get this straight, you over heard your enemy gettin off to the thought of you? And how'd ya even over hear that?" Rosie asked as she was cutting up her clients hair and styling it to the prestigious 1950's style the town held.

Alastor took a breathe in and groaned. "From... my radio~" he said his brows furrowed and his toothy smile plastered on his face, looking away from Rosie who was chuckling at this information. "Oh-ho-hoooo! My my, Alastor I never thought you any less than a gentleman, you a peeping tom now ain't cha~!" He said in a laughing happy tone as she dusted her client off and sent her on her way. She began to clean as she listened to Alastor continue to talk.

"Well it wasn't as if I was looking for that~! I wanted information~! Things I could use to CRUSH him~!" The green glow intensified around him for a second as he held a clenched fist before relaxing again. "Now I'm just confused...~" his voice trailed off as he hung his head back.

Rosie was one of the only people down in hell he truly could call his friend, plus the an atmosphere here was splendid. He looked at her, head leaning against his hand. "Well... what are you confused about? Confused for your feelings towards him, or that maybe you also wanna see him scream n cry in other ways!"

Rosie was mainly joking at that last part, but when Alastor didn't comment she gasped. "Oh, my stars!" She said all excited as she ran in place. "You have a little crush on this secret guy~ wow, look at you~ can't wait to hear this chaps name on the radio~!" She giggled and Alastor gave her a weird look before rolling his eyes.

"I will not be announcing his name, that's the last thing I need is more attention on me while I'm working~" Alastor said as he was actually pretty content in people underestimating his power, made the fear so much better.

"Well are you gonna tell him at all? I think this nice fellow deserves to know!" Rosie said as she opened a little snack pouch and pulled a lady finger out, literally, a ladies finger, and began to eat it. She offered Alastor one who politely declined and groaned. "It is, not exactly as simple as that~" he said while folding his legs over and stared at the table.

"I still hate him~" Alastor said and Rosie hummed, thinking. "Meh, what's a good hate fuck, it'll get him out of your system and everything will go back to normal~!" She said shrugging as she set her chair up for her next client.

"By the way Al, you cut your hair, why?" Rosie asked since he's had the same hair cut for so long. "Ah yes this, unfortunately HE burnt half my hair off~ so I'm dealing with this for now until it grows back~" he said annoyed as Rosie looked at him.

"Well I gotta say, he did one hell of a job! Clean cuts, nice blending, ha! He's better with hair than me!" She said happy as sat in her parlor chair and looked at Alastor. "Now listen, whether you hate him or not, what's gonna happen if you both good up and still hate each other? Nothing changes! Besides murder but hey! You both hate each other so just get it out do your system, and you can go back to crushing him~!" She said excited like she had just solved everything.

Alastor looked at her with a raised brow before he sighed. He just couldn't wrap his mind around... why. Why did Lucifer think of him like that? And why did it not make him want to kill Lucifer? To many thoughts ran through his head, and around him it could be heard like loud radio static switching through channels.

Lucifer walked back from the center of pentagram city with a clothing protector in hand. He got Alastor's coat dry cleaned and was going to leave it on his door. When he made it into the hotel lobby he looked around and spotted Angel and Husk practicing how to dance, he gave them a soft smile seeing them fumble but laughing and smiling at each other.

It was cute, he smiled as he walked towards the elevator and punched the floor number. Ironically, he and Alastor shared the same floor number just opposite sides of the building. Which was good considering how loud he was last night. He walked to Alastor's room and not hearing any static so that meant he wasn't here. Thank hell.

He rested the coat on the hook and the door pushed open a bit. He looked at the door and he looked around, pushing the door open. "Uh... hello?" He called out and looked at the radio tower interior, his eyes blinking. It looked old despite the hotel being brand new. "Uh... Alastor? You left your coat in my room, so I'm returning it!" He called out and looked around scratching his head.

"M'kay, if you don't come out I'll fuck with your radio!" He said and waited before... nothing. He looked around and walked towards his broadcast desk, looking over his schedule sheet. 'Interesting... mmm, eh not really.' Lucifer really wanted to flip the on air sign and start talking into a mic.

But he knew better. Or did he! He hopped into Alastor's chair and popped his feet up on the desk and grabbed the sheets of paper, bringing them close as he skimmed the report of the town. Fuck it, he'll make up his own news.

Lucifer glances around and smirked, pressing the 'LIVE' button and the 'ON AIR' sign lit up. A large shit eating grin came across Lucifer's face as he spoke into the mic, his voice booming across hell.


Alastor was walking back to the hotel, thinking about what he was going to do about this... situation with Lucifer. He was deep in thought before he heard the radios going crazy, looking around wondering what was happening. Finally the frequency became clear as his eyes widened.


His eyes twitched hearing Lucifer's voice blare through the radio, on HIS station. He shook as he felt anger bolt through his entire body, he started marching towards the hotel as he heard Lucifer loudly talk about gossip on his radio show. Black shadow tentacles slammed souls out of the way as his antlers grew bigger, glaring at the radio tower where he could faintly see Lucifer chatting away into the mic.

'By the way... any of you notice that adorable little fluffy tail on Alastor? I mean like, who can fear a man with a wittle tail like that~!'

Alastor growled, static fizzling around him, he almost seemed to glitch as he walked past others, many of them running out of Alastor's way to avoid being slammed or thrown. Once The Radio Demon made it to the front gate of the hotel, Lucifer saw him and signed off.

'Ah! Looks like mister old timer is here to shut me down~! Goodnight Pentagram city~!Stay classy~!'

Lucifer hit the 'LIVE' button to stop broadcasting again and he opened the window to Alastor's room just as Alastor entered his room. "YoU lItTlE pEsT!" Alastor growled and black tentacles shot towards him. Lucifer chuckled as he jumped out the window, wings sprouting to catch him as he flew through the air.

"WOW~ hey there slow poke~ thought you'd get here sooner~!" Alastor teased, flying far enough away from his window. Alastor glared, now remembering every single bit of why he hated Lucifer, and why he was going to crush him.

"StAy OuT!" He yelled, his voice sounding like it was going through several different channels, green light fused around him as he slammed his window shut. Lucifer hovered in one spot for awhile as he stared at the window, those red eyes staring at him through the window. He waved a little to Alastor, giving him a shit eating grin as he flew across the hotel, landing on his own window and opened it before flying in and shutting it. He laughed as he got inside, smiling from ear to ear.

"Aaahhh, yeah probably shouldn't have done that, but ugh! I can't ignore a big red button!" He laughed as he rubbed his face before sitting down and sighed heavily, his room feeling so quiet and empty.

"... god... he's gonna hate me."

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