The First Deal

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Alastor was sitting in a bright white meeting room with the rest of the overlords, Camilla going on about the recent Angel attack that Charlie and the rest were able to defeat, all while Alastor was sitting quietly.

He could feel Vox's eyes shifting to him constantly and it was starting to get annoying. When Vox's eyes moved to land back on Alastor he shifted his gaze to the flat screen head, his eyes narrowing and smile tightening as Vox shifted his gaze immediately back to Camilla who groaned at the two children bickering.

The meeting was over and demons began to disperse, Vox clearly wanting to say something to the red head. "Vox," Alastor said causing the flat screen to glitch. "I may not dabble in visual affects but even I can tell you want to say something, so spit it out before I install a virus in your system~" He threatened, glaring at the television infront of him.

Vox quickly put his calm demeanor into effect, laughing a bit as he fixed his bow tie. "So, finally back from the shadows after your little fight with Adam~ Hmmmm~?" Alastor laughed at his words before giving him a sly look. "Ah~ at-least I can say fought Adam and survived~ you on the other hand might have short circuited~" he laughed and walked up neck to him, his eyes turning into dials.

"Next time your pixels disrespect me again, I'll make sure I put you OuT oF OrDeR fOr GoOd~!" He growled as he brought his finger to the back of the flat screen and pulled a wire out, watching as Vox glitched and yelled at him but he couldn't make out what was being said as his voice skipped over. "Uhoooo~ the TV is buffering~" he said with a smirk as he stood in the elevator going down to leave the area.

He stepped out into the streets and looked around, glaring at the sky as he walked along the side walk, his mind else were. He was wondering if he could ask Lucifer for held, but... he felt a bit of fear hit his heart. What would Lucifer think of him if he found out his wife owned his soul. He gripped his jacket, ears pinned back for a moment before he shook his head, tempering his surroundings as he walked to Cannibal Town wondering if something there would take his mind off things.

Lucifer was happy that once Charlie started feeling better she wanted to spend some time with him, some time where they weren't talking about standing up to Heaven. He was so excited to spend time with the most important woman in his life. He was going to take Charlie to see a play. They entered Cannibal Town, arm in arm wearing their best as they made their way to the Heart Bleed Theater.

Lucifer bought two tickets and walked in with Charlie, both wearing huge smiles. Cannibal Town was actually very nice and Charlie began to frequent quite often after Alastor showed her this place. As they entered the theater they began to make their way towards the front, but Lucifer's eyes caught a fluffy mess of red hair. Alastor? He was chatting with Rosie who gave him a wink and a hip bump, making him stumble a little as he turned and headed towards his seat. Lucifer blinked and realized that Alastor was in the same row as him and Charlie.

Charlie noticed Alastor once they got closer and she smiled big, running towards the deer demon with big arms. "Alastor~!" She said excited as the tall red head looked up, surprised to see Charlie and Lucifer. "My my~ so many surprises today~!" He said, giving Charlie a tight hug and laughed. "Glad to see you aren't suffering the consequences of last night sweet heart~" He said softly patting her head as she smiled at him.

Alastor shifted his gaze to the blonde man who he had only spent the night with a couple hours ago. "Ah, and here we have our favorite toddler dressed his best~" Alastor said which earned him a glare and middle finger from the King. Alastor simple chuckled, shaking his head as he looked at Lucifer.

Alastor sat down in his seat and Charlie sat one away since her seat was Row 1 seat 6 and Alastor's was Row 1 seat 8. Lucifer sat in seat 7, legs crossed as he opened the Play Bill and looked at it. He kept sneaking glances at Alastor, for some reason, his heart was pounding in his chest, his mind wondering off to a day dreaming thought of Alastor. He blushed a bit at the thought of him and the Radio Demon intertwining hands and leaning on each other while watching the play. He looked at the males hand as he flipped pages on the Play Bill.

He pushed the thought from his mind as he looked up at the stage excited to watch something and it not end in murder. Charlie softly grabbed his arm and he smiled sweetly at her, reaching over to hug her before kissing her head. He was so happy, genuinely filled with pride that he and his daughter were finally spending time together after not being close. He stroked her cheek softly before leaning his head on hers. Thank god she slouched in her chair because other wise he'd be laying his head in her shoulder.

Alastor looked over seeing the two all cuddled and he blinked. He felt... jealous? Of Charlie? How ridiculous of a feeling to be jealous of the man's own daughter. He made a huff which got Charlie's attention, raising her brow. "You alright, Alastor?" Charlie asked and Alastor tensed, looking over. "Now why wouldn't I be little demon Belle~?" He said and she grabbed his arm and hugged them both close, Alastor's face was smushed next to Lucifer's, they both looked at each other. "You'll enjoy the play with us and why don't we all go out for lunch after~!" Charlie said all excited, Lucifer actually liking the idea as Alastor thought about it for a second. "Well... how could I say no to such a tempting offer princess~!" Alastor said with a smile which in return made Lucifer smile at him in a such a way he hadn't before. The lights dimmed and they looked up at the stage, Alastor and Lucifer's arms sitting next to each other.

Lucifer kept his eyes on the stage, same with Alastor. But their hands gently brushing against each other. No one knew how they ended up like this but slowly their hands slid together and they intertwined their fingers, not looking at each other as they sat there watching the play. Lucifer couldn't help the slow creep of a smile appear on his face, relaxing even more as Alastor rubbed his thumb against his knuckle. The feeling was comfortable, sweet and gentle. Their grip tightened on the others hand, something unspoken happening between them but both to scared to say it.

How scary it was to feel this way while consequences of Alastor's first deal were taking place.

God they make me so soft ugh, I wanna write more fluffy smut for them <3

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