Blood and Bruises

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Alastor was smirking as Lilith glared, the Radio Demon running before swiftly kicking Lilith away from Lucifer, before he quickly knelt down and held his face. Lucifer was bleeding heavily, a decent size hole in his abdomen, Alastor was stroking Lucifer's face softly, looking at him with worried, and for once, no smile plastered to his face. "I-I'll be fine, just need to regenerate." He said, Alastor softly picking him up and carried him over to Charlie who was crying.

The others in the hotel finally running out and Vaggie rushing over to Charlie, seeing Lucifer bleeding out and she looked around, seeing Lilith running with an arm full of angels blood. Alastor glared, black tendrils swirling around him, deep growls coming from the male. As Lilith dashed forward, moving her fist to slam on Alastor, his tendrils moved under her, moving up her leg, before slamming her down onto the ground, it cracking under the weight of hit, but she moved quickly, slamming Alastor to the floor as he began to punch Alastor's face, causing cuts and bruises to appear. She was moved off him quick as Charlie pulled her off, tossing her to the side.

Lilith glared at Charlie but didn't attack her, she wouldn't dare hurt her daughter. Vaggie was holding Lucifer as regenerating at a much slower pace, looking over at Alastor and wanting to help him. "Al!" Lucifer screamed out, the Radio Demons head spinning around to lock onto Lucifer's eyes. He grabbed his cane and threw it to him, the apple splitting open, and an angelic spear head emerged. Alastor snatched it and looked back at Lucifer who gave him a bloody smirk.

"Go get her~" Lucifer said and Alastor's lips moved into a twisted smile, the look from Lucifer fueling him up even more as he turned to Lilith.

"Yes, my lord~" The Radio Demon moved up close to Lilith, close quarter combat happening. She was blocking each blow, Alastor not being able to land any, but he was moving fast enough that she didn't have time to attack him. "Now I see why you limited my power~!" He laughed, using his feet to push her away, the spear moving across his body as he harshly moved it down, the splatter of red blood shooting out from Liliths face.

Alastor had missed her body but was able to cut her eye, a loud scream leaving her body as she tumbled back and held her face. "YOU- ...!" She growled before purple glowing pillars erupted from the ground, Alastor avoiding each one as best he could, before one manifested above his head, crushing him down to the floor as he groaned, the pillar keeping him in place. "You messed with my plan~! YOU MESSED WITH MY FACE! YOU FUCKED UP EVERYTHING!" She snatched the spear from Alastor and broke it over her knee, throwing it to the side.

"I'm going to make you beg for me to make a deal again~ and watch me destroy every thing you love~" She reached out for his face, but she was interrupted by a flash of golden light striking her, sending her into the side of the hotel. Everyone looked confused, before a man placed himself in-front of Alastor.

"Sorry babe~ shows not over till I saw so~!" Adam stood there with his golden guitar, smirking at his first wife who was looking more and more pissed off by the second. "Adam! STAY OUT OF THIS!" She growled, and Adam rushed in, his wings spreading, his once beautiful golden wings turned red, a few black littered in there. He grabbed her by the neck and flew up before going along the side of the cliff, grinding her into the side of the cliff as he laughed, holding her there before feeling her grab his face and shove it into the cliff as well, and he took them up, spitting rock out of his mouth before throwing her down on the ground.

"Why are you HELPING THEM!?" Lilith said and covered her eye, Adam wiped some blood from his head, glaring at her before talking with a stupid large smirk.

"I guess rock and roll keeps you in a constant state of juvenile delinquency!" Adam laughed as he grabbed his guitar, and strummed the cords hard watching as they holy beams came crashing down and knocking things down. Alastor moved out of the way, running towards Lucifer who had almost fully regenerated, reaching down and picking him up as Lucifer wrapped his arms around him, Charlie and Vaggie running beside them, husk held Angel and Fat Nugget, flying away from the destruction. Nifty was squealing as she dragged Keke with her.

Charlie looked back as Lilith and Adam fought. "Adam don't you dare destroy my hotel!!!" She glared and Adam looked to Charlie distracted for a second before being pounded to the ground. "S-Sorry!" She said following Alastor. She looked up seeing her father's face buried in Alastor's shoulder, the deers hand on the back of his head holding him close. She looked at how they held each other, her eyes widening in that moment, before a soft smile sprouted and kept her knowledge to herself as she ran faster next to them.

"Today is one day in hell~!" She said with a big smile, running to the gate with the others.

Lucifer looked at his daughter confused, but than shifted his gaze to the man carrying him, his cheeks going red seeing Alastor with his brows furrowed, his lips turned down into a frown. He looked properly angry. It was kinda hot, but now was not the time for him to get riled up. As they reached the gate, Lucifer was done regenerating and placed down, touching his stomach area. "Dad..? You okay?" Charlie asked, looking worried for her father.

"No! I just got this suit and she fucken ruined it! UUGHHHH!" He yelled and gripped his hair, before relaxing and taking his destroyed suit jacket off and tossing it to the side. He stepped forward glaring at Lilith before feeling a hand grip his shoulder. He looked over seeing Alastor and he smiled softly at him as the male brought him in, dipping him softly as Alastor kissed Lucifer, resting the males head in the crook of his elbow. Charlie gasped and shook Vaggie, her smile not going down.

Angel Dust and Husked laughed, smiling at the two, finally everyone's suspicions were clear. The two have been an item for... some time. Alastor kissed him a little longer before pulling away and they shared the softest look, putting their forehead together, before separating. Lucifer moved off and stepped forward to help Adam with his ex-wife. Huh, now they both shared the same ex, kinda funny.

Alastor stood there for a moment, watching Lucifer spread his wings. "You still need to tell me what you were going to say in the tower after this!" The red head yelled, Lucifer looking back to his lover, and winking.

"Then I'll see you soon Bambi~" Lucifer said and took off, wings spread as he rushed towards the fight, slamming into Lilith, the two ex spouses fighting mid air, throwing each other, shape shifting, and more. Adam came in a good back up, them working together to take on Lilith.

"You better, Ducky..." The Radio Demon said to himself, fists clenched, tensions high, the man's heart pounding in his chest watching the blonde fight his ex.
It came down to this. Alastor's eyes glued to the 6 winged man, watching him fight back and look like this was a breeze.

'I... love you...'

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