Kneel For Thy, and I Shall Deliver Thee

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Yall are fucking wild lemme just say that <3
Edit: I'm editing this chapter, adding a bit more and rewording things

Lucifer remained far from Alastor for the night, but he didn't go very long without the deers eyes staring into him. He was strangely very excited for tonight, Alastor could have meant what he said in so many different ways because well... it was Alastor. But if he meant what he thought he meant, Hell Below, he needed it to be midnight now.

The King made his rounds, the ball was small, not a lot of people came but he was happy that anyone showed up at all. Goetia's would certainly be helpful in helping Charlies dream come true. Charlie jumped on his back. "Hehe~ hi dad~!" She said and he could immediately smell the liquor on her breath. "Hi Char-Char. How many have you had?" He asked as she got off his back, and wobbled, he grabbed her arms at the same time Vaggie did. Thank god Vaggie was with her.

"I had like... 2 drinks!" She said and Vaggie held up her fingers, Charlie drank about... 9 drinks. Well his little girl wasn't meant to drink like he was. "Charlie, you drank more than that." Octavia said as she was tagging along quietly. "Vaggie, could you-" Before he finished his sentence, the ex-exorcist lifted Charlie into her arms. "I'll take care of her." She said and carried Charlie out of the room, Octavia following close behind.

Lucifer smiled seeing Charlie being loved in so many ways. She had a lovely girlfriend, a new friend, things were going well for her. He looked at the corner of his eye and saw Rosie the Cannibal walking up to him. "Oh, hello Rosie." He said and smiled at her.

She bowed a little and smiled. "Hello your majesty, I'd just like to apologize for earlier." She said and he knew exactly what she was talking about. "Ah... yeah that." He felt himself go a bit red in the cheeks. "He's really not a bad guy he's just... uh... eh..." she was trying to find the right words, tapping her index finger on her chin.

"To much red little bitch." Adam cut in and Lucifer groaned as Rosie laughed softly. "Well... no, definitely not that." She said and Adam threw his arm around Lucifer who looked at him with a neutral expression. "Adam, ugh, you stink of cheap booze and cologne." The blonde groaned and The First Man laughed before making a rock symbol with his hand. "I know, I fucken rock~!" Adam said and Rosie glared at the fallen man, hands clasped together before Adam wondered away.

"He's uh, um..." Lucifer was trying to find the right words. "An entitled white man?" She said turning to look at Lucifer who blinked a few times at her words. "Yeah that, that'll basically sum him up." He agreed and looked around. He checked his watch seeing it was quarter till ten, god he needed this to hurry up.

Alastor was watching Lucifer, his mind wandering, thinking of all the little things he needed to get out of his system. He closed his eyes for a moment, calming himself down as he relaxed before feeling a heavy arm wrap hard around him. A loud belch came from the man who was holding him in place. "Adam, take your distasteful arm off me before I rEmOvE iT fOr YoU~!" He glared, static coming from all around, but Adam was far too drunk to really care.

"Say... say you're not that bad, come on! Your a radio right, where are you dials at? Oh they here?!" He started twisting Alastor buttons on his jacket and making little static noise with his mouth. "ADaM~!" He growled before Adam looked up at him. "Whhaaaatttttt?" He complained and whined like a little kid, complaining about so many things, and Alastor was at his limit.

Black tendrils came out from behind, gearing up to smack Adam across the room. But he was beat to the opportunity. Lucifer had noticed Adam making Alastor extremely uncomfortable with all his clingy bitchy touching and over all childish behavior. He walked forward, glaring at Adam who clearly did not understand whose house he was in. As he approached he spun in the back of his heeled boot, lifting his other leg and swiftly kicking him like a football across the ball and into the wall. "10 points your majesty~!" Rosie clapped and Lucifer smiled at her.

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