A New Crown

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Alastor watched as Lucifer and Adam worked together fighting off Lilith who seemed to be adapting to their every move. He felt his legs take off, not wanting to stand by as Lucifer risked his life. He could care less about Adam but if Adam went down, Lucifer had no support.

So, the Radio Demon made himself the ground support, his tendrils grabbing rubble and throwing them at Lilith, knocking her off course from diving at Adam. Lucifer turned seeing Alastor helping and he gave a firm nod, before Lilith smacked a pillar over his head, sending him shooting down and made a deep pit in the ground. Adam took this opportunity and used his guitar axe and came down on her, but she evaded just in time. However, he didn't entirely miss, he carved a deep gash on her side, red blood spilling out as she yelled.

Charlie was watching all of this happen, her eyes filled with tears, running her fingers through her hair. "Mom!" She sobbed, falling to her knees. Vaggie hugged her from behind, comforting her girlfriend, Nifty softly placing her tiny hand over Charlie's, before picking it up and held it to her face, frowning it, her eye filled with tears. This situation was stressful.

Lilith needed to be stopped, and she wasn't allowing herself to be taken a prisoner, but... the only way to stop her would destroy Charlie forever. "Mom please just stop!" She cried out, arms holding Charlie down. She watched as Adam grabbed Lilith by the ankle, sending her through the hotel, a hole going through the building.

Lucifer shot up from the ground, watching as Alastor shot himself in the air with his tendrils before using them to shoot himself over the building, seeing Lilith and Adam fighting each other. Lucifer followed and his heart ached, watching them fight, ruining each other. A memory from eons ago flooded his head.

'Lulu~! Come on sleepy head~!' The first two human creations waking up the sleeping angel, wanting to have fun and explore Eden more. Two bright eyed and naive humans, and now... here they were. His first two friends... his first love... destroyed. He felt his throat choke up, holding it. He knew what he had to do, what must happen but he ... didn't have the heart to lay Lilith to rest. To kill Charlie's mother. He didn't.

He felt his waist being grabbed and pulled from the spot he was occupying as a giant piece of the Dazzle statue slammed there. Alastor had grabbed him out of the way Luckily. "Thanks!" Lucifer said, Alastor letting him go with a quick nod. He jumped down and landed on Lilith, pushing her down in the ground before met with a hard kick to his stomach and sending him across the courtyard, and breaking the front doors of the hotel. "STOP FUCKING UP THE HOTEL!" Lucifer yelled at Lilith and glared, Lilith glaring back. "IT IS A PILE OF ROCK YOU STUPID LITTLE MAN!" She yelled, before her eyes widened, body freezing.

Lucifer felt his heart sink, watching her long blonde hair fall to the ground. She reached up, feeling her neck as her head rolled back, red blood spilling down her body. Adam stood there as her body crumbled, the head rolling off to the side, his axe red with her blood. Charlie and the rest were running to the front and Lucifer flew down and stopped her, trying to grab Charlie's face so she wouldn't see.

"D-Dad what's happening!? Is mom okay!? Mom! Mommy!" She sobbed and Lucifer pulled her face to his chest and felt her sobbing hard, rocking his little girl in his arms and felt her shake. Alastor pushed himself from the rubble, his eyes widening seeing Adam killed her, he wanted to do it himself but... Charlie would send him away if that happened. He walked over and looked at the head, the eyes looking lifeless, but they blinked.

"Lucifer! Get your ass over here!" Alastor yelled and Adam looked over at the head, watching the eyes look around in the decapitated head. "What the fuck!?" The First Man yelled, crossed out by the way the head reacted.

Lucifer left Charlie in Vaggies care, flying over and looking down, seeing the way the head reacted. "What the..." he went to body and ripped the dress open. "Wow man didn't know you were that desperate!" Adam said, Alastor shooting the brunette a dirty look before looking at the blonde. In the middle of Liliths chest was a bunch of numbers and a binding sigil that looked broken. He dug his fingers into the body, getting about 2-4 inches in before hitting something hard. He pulled the skin apart.

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