Apple Seeds and Chains

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Lucifer laid there in his bed, naked and watching Alastor get dressed into his clothes from the night before. The marks the Radio Demon had left on him were already gone by morning due to him regenerating quickly. But Alastor, well... not so much. He chuckled staring at Alastor's bare back and seeing all the deep marks he left while clawing the shit out of him.

"Damn, I am a good artist~" He said with a laugh, Alastor looking back at him with an arched brow before rolling his eyes as he pulled on his shirt. "More like a nuisance~" Alastor said, static making his voice all fuzzy for a moment. He was just finished buttoning his shirt up then tucked it into his pants. The soft small tail softly twitching from time to time.

Lucifer rested his face on the pillow and continued to watch him not wanting to get up yet. Not wanting to... admit this was over. His eyes stared more than he thought at Alastor because suddenly the Radio Demon hunched over to make eye contact with Lucifer who suddenly came to his senses and raised his brows. "Hm?"

"You're staring~" Alastor said as he grabbed his jacket, laying it over his forearm, staring at it for a moment. "Mm, didn't realize." Lucifer said as he watched Alastor throw his jacket at him, landing on his head. "Ugh, do you mind?" Lucifer groaned and yanked it off, but when he did Alastor's lips met his, his eyes widening registering that Alastor was kissing him. The Radio Demon pulled away, smirking seeing Lucifer's reaction.

"Don't get my jacket dirty ducky~" Alastor said, sinking into the floor becoming one with the shadow as he left Lucifer's room. The blondes face going red slowly pulling the jacket back over his head to hide himself from the rest of Hell.

Alastor appeared in his Radio Tower, stepping out from the shadow and walked to the window, looking over the expanse of Hell. He rested his hands on the ledge of the window and sighed heavily. The Mic on his cane glowed, Alastor side eyeing it with a glare. Purple hue expanded from the Mic as he slowly grabbed it, pulling it closer to him, even though he was smiling, there was nothing but a frown inside. He waited, listening for any voice on the other side.

"Alastor, I have a new mission for you." A females voice rang out from the Mic, the red head glaring as he waited for orders.

"You've entertained Charlie enough, now I want you to destroy it all. Every last bit, leave nothing behind. I don't care what you have to do just get it done." The voice said, Alastor glaring, the corners of his mouth turning down before they were very quickly yanked back into place with a bright green thread, making the smile even higher. Alastor groaned in pain as he reached and tried to claw at the invisible stitches that he couldn't remove.

"Now now~ let's remember to smile my dear, you're never fully dressed without one." A chuckle coming from the Mic as Alastor looked away from it.

"Alastor, do you understand the task I've given you?"

Alastor looked at the cane and frowned before speaking up, his mind swirling with thoughts on how to escape this deal, every single escape he thought of was crushed by her. By this... witch.

"Yes... Lilith." He said with a hiss, fists clenched as he stared at the mic. He watched the purple color vanished as he grabbed the cane and threw it against the wall, his hands gripping at his hair and pulled ruffs out as he panted heavily.

'Destroy the hotel... destroy Charlie's dreams... destroy... destroy Lucifer...' He shook in place, hand gripping the table as he trembled, eye brows scrunched up as he growled and broke his table, slowly calming down. He grabbed his cane and looked at the door, frowning. He made his way to the bathroom to freshen up for the day.

The chains of his deal... suffocated him.

Lucifer had made it to the kitchen to find a very hung over Charlie groaning while holding a pot of coffee. "Vaggie... I am never drinking again..." she groaned and Vaggie laughed, kissing her girlfriend's head. "Yeah that's probably a good idea sugar cakes." She hugged her more and Lucifer smiled.

"Little lady, you drank quite a lot." Lucifer said leaning on the counter as Charlie groaned, her face twisting in uncomfortable ways. "Uuughhhhhh..."

Lucifer smiled and turned around seeing the kitchen hadn't been used yet besides Charlie's coffee. He smiled as he spun on his heel. "Alakazam~!" A ducky apron was now put on him, a smile on his face. He began to immediately make his little girl some pancakes to help her hang over. He rolled up his sleeves and began to cook pancakes, humming as he poured the batter in.

Alastor entered the kitchen and his eyes first saw Charlie hung over, groaning and drinking coffee straight from a pot while Vaggie rubbed her back. His eyes shifted as he saw Lucifer cooking, flipping some pancakes and grilling up what looked like sausage. Lucifer didn't notice Alastor as he sang to himself, flipping the pancakes in the pan before transferring them to a plate for Charlie. He turned around placing them infront of Charlie before noticing Alastor who had his face Meir inches from his which, in turn, made Lucifer smack Alastor with the frying pan.

Alastor held his head groaning and Lucifer kneeled down to softly touch his head. They were kneeled behind the counter, the girls not being able to see them as Lucifer softly stroked his head, looking concerned. "Sorry..." he whispered and Alastor glared at him for a moment.

Lucifer leaned forward and kissed his head, softly rubbing behind his ear to help soothe any pain. "You are annoying ducky..." Alastor said while pulling him into his arms more. Lucifer rubbed the area down more and kissed his temple. He didn't know exactly why he was being so affectionate with the red head but he was. He hugged him and rested his head on Alastor's, rubbing his back slowly.

The Radio Demon rested into his arms some more as he received affection from the other. He didn't hate this domestic display of affection, he quite enjoyed it. And there wasn't any pain from when Lucifer hit him with the frying pan, it was more shock since the pan clipped his antlers. Alastor looked up and stared at Lucifer's neck before kissing it and giving a quick nip. Lucifer's eyes widened and he hit the males back.

"My daughter is on the other side of this counter..!" He whisper yelled at Alastor who just shrugged before pulling away. Alastor stood up, making eye contact with Vaggie who was giving him an odd look before turning back to Charlie who was eating the pancakes with vigor.

Lucifer stood up after his neck was regenerated and began to clean up, humming to himself. "Al.... Al.... Please can you make me more coffee..." Charlie asked groaning as Alastor laughed at her softly, taking the pot. "Why of course my dear~" He said as he began to brew a pot, a laugh coming from Vaggie as Lucifer and Alastor looked at her.

"You two are like husband and wife, you even have a kid too." Vaggie said motioning towards her hung over girlfriend.

"Well than, Lucifer is the wife~" Alastor said laughing to himself as the blonde looked confused. "Wife? Why am I the wife?" He said with his hands on his hips upset as he looked confused. Charlie laughed a bit before her head dipped groaning as Vaggie held her, soothing her temple while kissing her head.

Alastor walked over to Lucifer and whispered to him. "Because you're attentive, sweet, and you look good in white~" He purred, looking into the blondes eyes, seeing his face become red before he was pushed away. "Oh fuck off!" He glared at him, still wearing that adorable duck apron. "Need I say more~" he motioned to his clothes, Lucifer groaned and shooed him away as he cleaned up. Alastor chuckled as he left the kitchen, heading out towards the main doors before stopping and glancing back to the kitchen where Lucifer was fondling taking care of his daughter.

'I have to get free...'


You thought this shit show was over!? Surprise! ANGST!!!!!

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