For I Am A Man Of Unclean Lips

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Lucifer was tapping a pen pretty fast on his clipboard, watching as streamers were being put up and making sure the entertainment room looked perfect for the event. He looked over his check list and smiled seeing everything was ready for tomorrow night.

He was worried a bit about tomorrow, would people show up? Would someone try to ruin it? He hadn't realized that he was chewing on his own pen nervously before placing it down on his clip board. He turned his head and saw Alastor talking to Husk and when the Radio Demon noticed Lucifer looking over at him, he glared, harsh radio static coming from him as it made Husk flinch and hold his ears down.

Alastor turned towards Husk again, giving Lucifer his back, which made Lucifer frown a little. He was just trying to have fun, give him a laugh. But clearly, it wasn't funny to the deer. He sighed softly and focused on the room, looking around as he walked towards the tables that the guests would be sitting at. He glanced at all the dead flowers, confused as to why they were dead for the center piece.

With a snap of his finger he replaced them with real red roses, bright and lively, looked a lot better than the dull reddish brown color they had turned. Just the last thing was... for guests to come tomorrow. He definitely felt like how Charlie did most of the time, excited but nervous and scared. It could probably be told by the fast tapping of his pen on the clip board while tapping his foot.

The pen was yanked from his hand and he glared at the clip board. "I was using that." He said and looked up to meet an annoyed Alastor's stare. "And how were you using it~? Pens are made for writing~! And I saw no writing happening, just the annoying sound you were creating~!" Alastor said and pocketed the pen so Lucifer would stop.

"You realize I can get another one right?" Lucifer said with a shit eating smirk as he stood there. He materialized a new pen and walked away from Alastor,he was fidgeting with the pen much like how Charlie did was she was nervous, but the only difference is that Charlie would be signing about now to calm herself. Lucifer was just quiet.

Alastor watched, eyes narrowing as he watched the King fidget. He walked away from the smaller male, heading towards the main lobby. He could feel eyes following him, and when he side glanced over, he could just catch Lucifer turning his head away from him. He shook his head, his smile still wide and tight as he headed out of the hotel, going to Cannibal Town to talk with his friend Rosie and maybe see a show or two. Hell knows he needed it.

Lucifer double checked everything, anxiety still building within him. He put the clip board on the check in desk and sighed. "God! The sexual tension between you too is thicker than any bitch I've been with!" Adam's voice rang out and Lucifer glared, a deep growl coming from him. He still was uncomfortable being around him.

"There is no 'sexual' tension between us." Lucifer said and Adam nodded and leaned against the desk. "Yeah yeah, blah blah blah, you wanna fuck him so bad it makes you look stupid!" Adam laughed harshly, holding his over priced drink from husky in his hand.

"And you wish you could actually keep a wife." Lucifer said and glared at Adam who looked shocked at the returned burn. "Wow bro, chill the fuck out." He said and held his hand up to Lucifer to chill.

"Adam what do you even want?" Lucifer asked and Adam tilted his head back as he thought about it. The King realized that was a bad question to even ask the biggest frat boy that God has ever made. "Well I want room service, hot chicks to bang, ribs! Hahaha, ribs~ heavy metal music, an ice cream parlor, heelies, god what else?" Lucifer dropped his head in his hands listening to the bullshit that came from the First Man.

"Adam, shut up!" Lucifer said, Adam looking offended he was told to shut up and then he pouted like a toddler. "Damn, fucken bitch." Adam said and walked away from him as Lucifer headed to his room to make ducks to help relieve all the anxiety that was building up inside of him. He walked into his room, crafting all different kings of ducks but he kept scrapping them, not liking how they were turning out.

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