The King's Gold and The Stag's Lie

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Lucifer awoke early to get ready for the ball happening in just a few hours. He took a long hot shower and thought about the event of the day, he let his mind drift to daydreaming, to him and... and Alastor talking and enjoying each other's company.

It was wishful thinking honestly, he didn't think that Alastor would even want to see him anymore. As he got out of the shower, still lost in thought, he was about to slip his wedding ring on and stopped, staring at it. He fidgeted with it in his fingers, frowning feeling anger and sadness bubble up. She made her decision. And he was making his.

He put the wedding ring onto the counter, leaving it there as he walked to his bed where his clothes were in the protective bag. He got undressed and opened the bag and blinked. These... wasn't his. But they were nice.

A black suit with red trimmed edges. He realized as he looked at the embroidery on the tie of a deers head that... this was Alastor's. Shit. Shit of course his tailors would fuck up like this. He sighed looking for his clothes before a knock was at his door. He grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his waist.

"Coming!" He opened it to see Alastor, his hair was wet and curling at the edges where it was drying. 'Cute...' He noticed Alastor was wearing his robe and held out a protective bag. "I believe the fine tailors gave me the wrong clothes~ do you perhaps have mine, my lord~?" He asked, his usual cheery tone holding a little bit more of a calmness to his voice.

Lucifer saw the bag and he grabbed it with his free hand, holding the towel together around his waist with his other hand. "Uh yeah I do, I just noticed it now." He said as he walked to his bed and set his bag down and then zipped back up Alastor's and walked over making sure to hand it off carefully. "Thank you, sir~ I shall leave you be then~" Alastor said and turned taking his leave, and Lucifer watched him walk away, his gaze falling to Alastor's tail. He smiled a bit, laughing softly as he noticed it wagging.

Lucifer closed the door and smiled a bit, happy Alastor seemed normal with talking with him again. Lucifer walked over to his protective clothing bag and opened it, smiling seeing his clothes. When he pulled it out, he noticed something sticking out of the breast pocket. A letter?

No, a picture. It was an old square Polaroid. He immediately noticed it was of Alastor's room, his eyebrows furrowed wondering why this was in there. And then he saw it. His lips smiling as he looked to the side. He noticed the red duck he made for Alastor sitting on the shelf with the rest of Alastor's collectibles. Was... this Alastor's way of saying he forgave him?

He placed the photo next to the radio and smiled. It was sweet. They both were terrible with talking to each other on true emotions but this was enough.

The King turned and started to get dressed, his smiled plastered to his face as he buttoned up his shirt. Liek Charlie always likes to say, today is gonna be a happy day in Hell.

Alastor popped out of the elevator, seeing all the lights in the Entertainment room lit up. He was looking quite dapper. Not a rip on his new suit to be seen. "Woooow smiles looking good~!" Angel said as he popped off the other elevator with Husker. "Thank you Angel, I must say, one could get accustomed to such well tailored clothes~" he said and adjusted his tie, smiling wide at them.

Angel chuckled and smiled, wearing a a strapless pink dress with spider detailing and lace that was patterned like webs. The dress suited him perfectly and really complimented his personality.

Husker was wearing basically the same thing he usually wore but his pants had details of casino cards and small spiders in some of the cards. He did wear a blazer though, just to make it more formal. "Gotta say, Lucifer's tailors are really good at what they do." Husker said and Alastor nodded in agreement.

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