Souls Gone Bad

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Lilith was humming in the kitchen, making hot tea for the Morningstar family, smiling and humming softly. Charlie was so wrapped up in excitement to notice her father's caution around the woman he has loved since the beginning of Hell. His heart had moved on, being taken care of by... well, a demon. But something about Lilith coming home after Heavens attack, after Adam told them she was there, it was... fishy.

Speaking of Adam, the first man wondered into the kitchen and stopped, his eyes wide seeing Lilith there and he whistled sliding up next to her. "Well well~ long time no see pretty la- AGH!" She hit him in the head and he held it. "What the fuck was that for!?" He groaned and Charlie laughed as she sat there, smiling big. Lucifer was quiet, drinking his coffee and looking to the side. "If you guys will excuse me, I do have some work to catch up on but I'll join you guys for lunch!" He said and got off his stool.

"Lucifer?" Lilith said which made him halt in his steps and turn. "You're forgetting something~" She said, tapping her cheek and he chuckled, walking over and kissed her cheek before kissing Charlie's head and walked to the elevator. He pressed the floor he and Alastor resided on and as soon as the doors opened he bolted off and headed to Alastor's room and knocked fast on it.

The door opened and when he saw Alastor's face his eyes widened. He could see the edges of Alastor's eyes were red, but what caught him off guard was him holding a heavy blood soaked cloth to his mouth. "Al..? What happened?" He asked, confused as Alastor looked at him with a glare. "You need not concern yourself your majesty~!" His tone went back to how they used to talk to each other when they never got along.

"Your majesty-? Alastor! What the fuck is going on!?" Lucifer didn't like being called that from the man he laid with, the man who he had- maybe he rushed too fast into this. Maybe he read all the signs wrong, his fists clenched together. "... Alastor I-"

"I think it best you leave, your Majesty." Alastor said sharply, his back to Lucifer whose eyes welded up with a few tears, staring at him. "Alastor..?" His voice cracked and he cleared his throat which got Alastor to turn his head and see Lucifer's expression of distress. "Did I... do something...?" He asked, Alastor sighing as he shook his head.

"No... no not you... I'm sorry." Alastor said and turned to face him as he sighed softly. Lucifer stepped forward and reached up, softly taking his wrist and pulling it down, removing the males hand from his face and seeing the deep scratches on the corners of his mouth. "Alastor!" He said concerned and got close, leaving no personal space between them as he held his face. "What- how!?" He was concerned and Alastor averted his gaze from the Blonde who was immediately taking care of him. Alastor looked as Lucifer rang out the blood filled towel, and sat him on the bed they were just sleeping in a few hours ago.

Lucifer was using his healing capacity with the wet towel, healing his face and leaving very minimal scaring. "I... I wasn't expecting Lilith to show up." Lucifer said and a sharp static sound came from Alastor, making Lucifer cover his ears. Lucifer looked at the Radio Demons demeanor shift, to ridged and tense, even at the mention of his wife- ex wife? They hadn't technically gotten a divorce but... when a woman leaves you for 7, no almost 8 years, is there really anything stopping you from divorcing.

"Charlie's happy... I just... wished I told her when I know before she showed up..." He said, and soon stopped as he ran his fingers over Alastor's cheeks feeling no scaring or seeing much of it. "Okay, all healed." He said and moved his hands behind Alastor's neck and pulled him close for his body, putting Alastor's face to his chest.

Alastor softly rested his hands on the males hips, holding him close, his ear against the males chest, softly flickering from time to time, eyes closing as the sound of Lucifer's heart beat soothed him. He kissed the kings chest softly, rubbing his hand against his side slowly, before pulling away. The look plastered on Alastor's face was a ... new one. The corners of his lips were bent down almost in a cartoonish way. "Dear...? You... can't stop smiling can you?" Lucifer said and Alastor froze before shaking his head. He sighed and hugged Lucifer tightly, causing the blonde to blush, but he quickly hugged him back, face buried in his hair, softly running his fingers through it. A soft thumping sound made Lucifer look down, a smile coming to his lips seeing Alastor wagging his tail fast and getting closer.

"Alastor... hey, love?" Lucifer pulled back and stared into his eyes. "Tell me what is going on. Please." He said, his eyes full of worry as Alastor took a deep breath and held Lucifer's hands in his.

"Your wife... owns my soul."

Hell was about to rise up.

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