Ugly Ducklings

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It had been a few days since Lucifer found Lilith was in heaven and made some sort of deal to be there. No one had seen the King since that day. Adam however had made himself comfortable at the hotel and tried to be chummy with the others, which wasn't going great. Only one that gave him the time of day was Husk, mainly cause he was ripping off Adam for drinks so it was worth it.

Alastor had been listening to Lucifer through the radio he gifted him. The first day was just... a lot of crying, to much crying it made Alastor uncomfortable. But then it just got quiet. He could hear him moving around but that was about it. On the 6th day of Lucifer not showing himself, Angel slinked up next to Alastor.

"So smiles, you and da king have been pretty chummy lately. Ya know where he is?" Angel said and Alastor side eyed Angel. "Well, if you can't see him Angel, where else do you think he'd be~?" Alastor said sarcastically as he looked at his hand before resting it back on his cane.

"I don' know... maybe ya took him to pound to-" Angel was cut off by the intense glare coming from Alastor. "Angel~ I implore you to not FINISH that sentence~" he said in a song like tune as his eyes went to dials.

Angel was used to Alastor being a dick so he shrugged. "Maybe he could take ya to pound town, you're so tenseeee~!" Angel said and Alastor let out scratchy sharp radio static as he turned away from Angel.

"Stop." His tone was flat and his real voice was used, his expression clearly annoyed, even with the smile on his face. Angel laughed as he shimmied from side to side, looking at Alastor who took a deep breath and sighed.

"What is it that you need Angel Dust~?" His regular radio voice was back, observing the hotel from his point.

"Check up on Luci, would ya?" Angel said more sincere as he gave Alastor a soft look, placing his hand on Alastor's shoulder. "And why would I do that~?" He said as he glanced to Angels hand and removed the spiders touch from his shoulder.

"Ya seem like the only one to really well, make a connection with him. We don' really know how to talk to him, he's pretty awkward but you just say what you want, plus don't think I didn't see that lil radio of ya's in his room~ aaahhhh ya fancying the king now~" Angel said while waving his brows and leaned into the side of Alastor.

Alastor felt his eye twitch in annoyance and he took a sudden step back and let Angel stumble. "I will check on him if it means you'll leave me be~" he said and walked towards the elevator and Angel laughed a bit watching him go up to Lucifer's room.

Alastor stepped towards Lucifer's door, but with every step, the air felt thick, Alastor grew a bit uneasy which he wasn't used to feeling but shit, when he was standing outside of Lucifer's door, it was like he was suffocating. The air felt so thick and hot, he coughed a bit before he knocked on the door. He waited for awhile before he knocked a bit harder.

"Awe is the squirt hiding away~" Alastor said and felt sweat drip down the back of his neck, tensing up as he heard foot steps walking to the door. His ears pinned to the back of his head, but he composed himself with his usual shit eating grin and stare.

The door opened and the air seemed to thin out a bit as Lucifer stood in the door way. His prestige blonde hair was a mess, his clothes ruffled and dark marks under his eyes. Lucifer stared into Alastor's eyes, a low growl leaving his throat.

"What." His voice sounded rough as he stood there, rubbing the side of his head, clearly not resting well. "I'm in the middle of something, make it quick." The Kings voice was demanding, commanding Alastor to hurry up and get this over with.

Alastor pushed his way into the room. "My my~ such a pathetic sight of our ruthless King~ my I could mistake you for a squabbler~" he said and Lucifer glared at him. "So dark in here~ tsk tsk~ let shine some light on the fallen king~" he said moving towards the lamp.

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