I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice

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Lucifer was staring at Alastor who was staring back at him, silence was heavy between them. The King walked away from the two, heading towards the bar immediately.

Alastor watched Lucifer go before quickly turning his head to Rosie who chuckled nervously. "I'm so sorry Alastor dear, I got caught up in the moment and completely forgot." She said and Alastor felt his eye twitch. "Not a worry my dear~ I'll just be taking a favor from you in the future~" he said and she nodded as she went to mingle with the few guests that there was.

Alastor looked over to Lucifer, he could only see his back. The King was feeling so many emotions, he was infuriated the other was listening to him when he was in his room, the amount of privacy that was betrayed. He was drinking a full glass of wine like it was water.

Then he finally realized, Alastor heard him that night. The night he was moaning his name, crying for him, desperately needing his touch. His entire face went red as he looked at the bar top, his fists shaking before turning back and seeing Alastor calmly talking with Charlie. Alastor was nodding to Charlie who seemed to be going on a long ramble about he could only guess, her and Vaggies vacation so far.

He needed air, now.

Alastor turned his gaze as he saw Lucifer leave the room, heading towards the balcony outside. "Will you excuse me Charlie~?" He said as he turned, heading towards Lucifer.

Lucifer was gripping the balcony ledge and planting a bit, blood pounding through his ears as he gripped the balcony harder, listening to it crack a little before easing up on the foundation. He was cursing his past self for accepting such a gift from Alastor, he knew not to trust him, and now he made a fool of himself.

"My~ such a pathetic sight to see you in, little duck~"

Lucifer turned his head, glaring as Alastor walked up and stood next to him. "Fuck you." He said and looking back over Hell off the balcony. Alastor chuckled hearing that phrase considering now what Lucifer knew. "Mmm no~ I don't think I will~!" He laughed and Lucifer punched Alastor's arm, growling at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" The King frowned and Alastor stood there with a thinking expression, even though he was just bullshitting the Blonde. "Well it all started when I was a young boy~!" He laughed as Lucifer pushed him away and looked over the edge.

"Why were you listening to me!?" Lucifer said and glared at him, and Alastor looked at him from the corner of his eye. He walked closer to him, placing his hand on his chest and pushed him into the corner of the balcony railing, caging him in, looking into the angry man's eyes.

"I wanted information, knowledge to use incase I needed you as a pawn in my game of entertainment. But you gave nothing, not a single thing worth exploiting." Alastor's voice held no radio static, his smile twitching like he was trying to force it away. "The only thing I got," Lucifer glared at him, hitting his hand against his chest.

"Was finding out the king is a filthy pervert. Not exactly information I can use." Alastor said and Lucifer couldn't look The Radio Demon in the eye, his eyes were glued on their shoes, embarrassment flooding his face before gasping, feeling Alastor's hand grab his neck, forcing his face up. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." He said as he held the Kings very red face in his hand.

"You're lucky I don't kill you now." Lucifer said, glaring daggers at him. He remembered why he hated him, why he didn't trust him to begin with. He ripped Alastor's hand from his throat roughly which caused one of Alastor's claws to cut a little on the side of his neck.

Lucifer hissed, about to move his hand to cover it but Alastor grabbed his wrist, moving suddenly as he put his face into his neck, wrapping his lips around the cut and sucked, tasting the addictive blood he got to try weeks ago.

Lucifer tensed up, gripping his shoulders to try and shove him away, letting out little pants and groans, wanting to not enjoy the feeling of him on his neck. "Y-You little shit-" Alastor chuckled against his neck, vibration being sent through his skin. The King slowly stopped fighting, letting Alastor drink until the small cut regenerated itself.

The Radio Demon pulled away, licking his lips as he looked at The King of Hell. He was quiet for some time, watching Lucifer wipe his neck off of any spit left behind. Alastor moved away from him, giving the man some breathing room, as the silence wasn't uncomfortable but just tense.

"... is that why your helping Charlie? Is she a pawn in your game of entertainment?" Lucifer said, glaring at the wall not wanting to look at him, biting the inside of his lip.

"At first yes, but~ I have grown rather fond of her~" Alastor said, his eyes closing as he thought. "I do still think what she's doing is foolish, sinners rehabilitating~? I doubt it will work~ But I do adore that she doesn't listen to anyone but herself~" He said and tilted his head back, looking up at the foggy red sky.

"So I meant it that I would help her run this hotel~ The sinners are entertaining to watch struggle, but I wouldn't purposefully put her through anything~" He said and Lucifer seemed less tense now knowing his daughter wasn't in any danger with him. He turned around and groaned loudly, his face in his arms as he leaned over the balcony railing.

"I want to throw myself off this ledge." The Blonde grumbled from frustration. "Now that~! I can definitely help with~!" Alastor said as he grabbed his waist and started to pick him up.

"Let go of me you stupid motherfucker!" He pushed the other away, growling as Alastor let go, putting his hands up with his usual grin. "You... you are terrible!" He growled and Alastor shrugged, it was something he already knew. Nothing he was going to say was going to phased Alastor. Lucifer and Alastor stared back at each other, silence growing tenser.

Lucifer closed his eyes with a heavy sigh, a small frown on his lips, and began to head back into the ball. Alastor stopped him, putting his arm out as Lucifer side glared him. "I don't use the radio to listen anymore~" he said and Lucifer looked at him with annoyance.

"Yeah, because you heard me- doing-! Things!" Lucifer was so embarrassed and frustrated, pointing a finger at Alastor while his whole face was bright red. "You mean~ you calling my name out and begging to cu-" Lucifer slapped his hand over Alastor's mouth, glaring at him while Alastor still smirked under his hand.

"Do not... finish that sentence." The King said as his heart pounded in his chest, staring at him before Alastor removed his hand from his mouth. "Fine~" He said, Lucifer moving away with a breath of relief.

"Although you screaming my name while you came wasn't unpleasant to hear~" He said and Lucifer turned around and hit his arms and chest. "What did I just say!?" He growled and Alastor smirked at him. "You said to not finish that sentence, so I started a new one my lord~" he smirked and Lucifer growled at him, infuriated by this demon. He wanted to grab his hair but he couldn't mess it up.

"I... can remove the listening part on the radio." His voice going to normal as he looked at Lucifer who glared at him, brows scrunched up. "I do enjoy you listening to my broadcast." Alastor spoke staring at him while Lucifer softened his gaze just a little.

"... no bullshit?" The King asked, crossing his arms as he stared into the others eyes, watching as Alastor kneeled before him, taking his hand in his and kissed the top of it. Lucifer's face looked confused, cheeks a soft pink shade, watching Alastor look up at him.

"No bullshit, my lord~ you have my word~" The Radio Demon said while Lucifer stared down at him, his hand still being held by Alastor while his heart pounded in his chest. He wanted to hate him, punch him, rip him in two, but he just... couldn't.

"Fine..." Lucifer said and was about to pull his hand away, before seeing Alastor turn his hand over, his palm up as Alastor kissed his palm, holding his lips to his skin for a moment, before looking up at Lucifer. The red head looked at the blonde, seeing his look of shock and pink cheeks.

"Enjoy the ball, your majesty~" He said as he stood up and walked back into the room, leaving Lucifer alone on the balcony, his cheeks growing darker as he held his hand to his mouth, trying to calm down.

"... shit... what am I doing..."

Not gonna lie, I don't think this was my best chapter, this did take awhile to write because I was trying to still make it true to their characters while also bringing in some tension between them. Sorry~ no hanky panky yet~!

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