Guidance and a false alarm

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God I love this Heeler, but a baby? I... No, I want this too, I know I do. I just hope I'm ready.

"Hey dad, can we talk?"
"Sure thing bud, what's on the mind today? Another Bluey question?"
He was quick
"Yes dad, she told me she wants to start a family..."
My dad looked at me a bit flustered, but finally answered.
"Bud, if you two think you are ready, you have my full support. I will say though, how will you finish high school?"
He was right about that, school, the dreading thing that keeps me away from my love.
"I guess I would keep going to school, not sure about Bluey though."
"It's okay Kid, just do what you think is best for you two okay?"
God my dad is so supportive, I envy him sometimes.
"Okay dad. I need to talk to Bluey, don't wait up"
"Lord knows I will."
I chuckle at the thought of what he said, but I had more important things to focus on, Bluey and the family.



"Parent's and daughter meeting!!!"
My parents knew something was up now, they raced in and asked about the occasion.
"Mum, Dad, I have something on my mind."
"What is it squirt?" Dad asked.
"It's about me and Kenzie"
"Honey, did you guys break it off?" Mum sounding sincere for me.
"No, but I have been thinking."
"I think I know where this is going" dad said, "starting a family eh?"
How the hell?
"Dad how in the-"
"Bluey Heeler, don't you dare finish that sentence young lady!"
"I wasn't going to mum, I just, how?"
"It's easy to tell really, but hey, if that's what you guys are ready for, we are right h-"
Suddenly we hear an screeching scream from upstairs, Bingo.

We run up to find Bingo and Jack on the floor Mating again, it seems they can't get off to each other enough when they're alone.

"Ah guys what the F!"
We all say as we begin to return to the hall, but Bingo says something...
"Stop! Come back! My water broke!"
"That isn't possible Hun, you can't be-"
Then we saw it... Blood.
"Bingo hunny" Jack said, "your water didn't break..."
"What? Then what did?"
"That's blood my love, I think you had a miscarriage..."


Bingo starts to simply stare at the floor while whimpering, we call the doctor to come to the house.
"She hasn't said anything for more than twenty minutes... Is she broken?"
"Well Jack, you did just tell her that her baby may be dead."
"I know, I just didn't think she would react this way... Bingo hunny, you okay my raspberry?"
As much as of a cute name he gave my sister, I needed to stay focused.
"Bingo, sis...?" Then I called her something she always loved as a kid.
"BingBing?" She burst into tears in my arms, hearing that name activated her emotions again, letting out everything.
"My baby is gone! My little one is gone Bluey! I can't go on like this! My life was turned upside down for them! Now it's all gone!"
The doctor worked as well as she could... And actually came out with amazing news, sorta...
"Well I can say one thing... The baby is just fine."
"Wait what?"
"It turns out Bingos body is just trying to adjust to the growth of her womb to provide for the baby." "We call it an after period"
"Now that's something you don't see everyday."
"It's mostly common in young mothers, but Bingos baby is fully healthy and is just fine."
"May I see her doc?" Jack said openly.
"You may, but be gentle, she is still emotional."
"Okay Ma'am, thank you."
I went in with Jack to sit alongside my little sister, who was still a bit struck by the news...
"Bluey... Jack... The baby is okay..." She said sounding like she was gonna cry.
Jack and I gave her a three way hug, hoping to comfort the Red Heeler.
"Bingo Hun, I am happy that our baby is okay. I'm happy that you're okay, that all of this is okay."
"Jack... I'm sorry for scaring you..."
"Bingo, you didn't scare me intentionally, I know that as well as you do."
"I love you Jack, the doctor says I need more regular check-ins now, and will be coming over frequently."
"Then I will stay here as long as you need, I am here, always."
I want to tell Jack one thing.
"Yes Bluey?"
"Thank you, for being here when no one else could."
"It's how it was made to be, and I'd do it again a thousand times over."
"Alright, I'ma go visit Kenzie, you two okay alone?"
"Yes Bluey, go see him, I bet he's waiting for you."
"How would you know?"
"He just texted me..."
All three of us burst into laughter.
"Alright then, Bye guys!"
"Later sis!" "Cya Bluey!"

Hey guys! I hope y'all have been enjoying this as much as I have loved writing it! It's been a thrill to share this with the world, and one more thing, with Valentine's day coming soon, the next chapter will be something related to it. Have a good one mates!!!

Blue and Black Hearts+Red And Black Fur (One Ship+Another)Where stories live. Discover now