Bluey and Kenzie meet the author

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I can't believe we actually got married! Naveiha is now 3 months old as me and Kenzie wanted to move quickly through the wedding... It was a bit niche, but we wanted it to be. We are now on our honeymoon in the USA. Always heard it was a good country, let's see how people are.

On our way through the northern states, we stop at a small town called Fosston in northern Minnesota.

This is my hometown, I wanted to spice it up and add myself to the story.

Me and Kenzie walked into a store called "Hugos", seemed to be a place with a lot of kids working there. Odd, but it is the US.

After finding somethings, we were looking around for pepperoni, we wanted to make a pizza tonight. We spotted a young husky male in uniform, wearing the name tag of "Nick".

"Hi sir! How's your day?" I said politely.

"Oh hello" he said in a monotone voice, he seemed unhappy...

"How may I help you guys?"

"Just wondering where the Pepperoni's are is all, could you help us?"

He lit up like a light, he must have liked to help others when at work.

"Of course, they are a bit out of place after all. This way please."

He was such a gentleman, wonder how old he was.

"If you don't mind me asking... Nick" I read his name tag again, "how old are you?"

"Oh, um I am 18." He seemed confused on the question, but let it slide.

"Do you work a lot?" I ask him as he pointed us towards the pepperoni.

"I don't do much as I used to, with my knee being a pain for me constantly."


"After some time it'll hurt, so I take some time to myself in our room upstairs, but hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do."

"For sure mate" I say back.

He seemed to stumble back a bit in response to the way I spoke.

"Oh hey are you guys from Australia?"

"How'd ya know?" I asked openly to a bit of laugh from all three of us.

"Hey Blue, I know we are having fun and all, but we should be going."

"Oh right, sorry Nick, gtg"

"No worries mate, have a good one"

"Wait, are you Australian too?"

"Nope, just a weird different type of Minnesotan is all." He said brightly, I guess he really enjoyed talking to me and Kenz.

"Well, I hope we can see you around, so long!"

"Later... Wait what's your name?"

"Bluey, and this is my husband Mackenzie"

"Nice to meet y'all, good luck with the pizza!"

"Have a good day!"

After making our way to the car, I spoke with Kenz about Nick.

"He seemed very polite for his age, I wonder why he was unhappy though."

"Same, he lit up when we asked for help though, maybe we made his day?"

"That'd be great wouldn't it?"

Just then we saw the same Husky walking outside with his jacket on, it was winter in MN after all.

He seemed to be limping, was his knee bothering him that much?

"Hey Kenz look, it's Nick." I pointed out to him.

"Oh yea, but why is he limping? Is it his knee?"

"Could be... oh no!" I yell as I see Nick slip over some ice, I saw him try to stand, but he fell back down again, clutching his knee... Hard.

"We should help him, who knows if anyone else is around!" Kenzie says.

"For sure! Let's go!" We climb out of the car and run over to where Nick is sitting on the ground, still in pain.


"Nick are you alright?" I asked him, he gave me a stern and concerning answer of,

"Not in the slightest, I can't even stand!"

"Bluey, get him to the car, we are taking him to the clinic."

"Okay Hun, cmon bud grab my arm."

As she lifted Nick over to the car, I went inside to find his manager.

As I approached customer service, I heard a announcement say, "Christy to the service desk please? Christy to the service desk."

As I waited, I seen a red heeler approach me, I saw her name tag, it read, "Zoe" she seemed much younger than Nick.

"May I help you sir? Christy asked me to help if I could, since she's on till atm."

"I wanted to let someone here know that your co-worker Nick fell on some ice and couldn't stand, me and my wife are driving him to the clinic."

"Wait, as in a husky?" She sounded concerned.

"Yes" I say, calmly.

"Oh no, okay I'll tell Christy" she seemed worried even more.

"You okay? You seem worried"

"He's my cousin" is all she could say before returning to work.

"Oh, I'm sorry to bestow the news."

"I'll be okay, just please make sure Nick gets there safe and sound." She said in a puppy tone.

"Will do, have a better day miss"

"You too!" She said back to me.

I headed back to the car and almost slipped on some ice myself, but I was okay.

"Dang dude, you copying me?" Nick let out a laugh but then winced in pain and clutched his side.

"Hey you okay?" Bluey asked him.

"That... That hurt like hell." He stammered out in pain.

"Okay, now this is even more serious than we thought."

We got Nick to the Fosston clinic, but he told us about how this clinic only dragged out for money, "oh so it's THAT kind of clinic huh?"

"Y-yeah... *Cough*" he started to cough and started to cry because of the pain.

"Bluey is he okay back there?"

"I don't know, he just passed out." She checked his pulse and everything was normal-(bluey was studying hospital procedures bc of her collage classes)

"Okay, what's the best clinic from here?" "I don't kn-" bluey was cut off by Nick...

"Bemidgi..." He softly spoke, but was loud enough for us to hear him.

"Okay, just stay with us bud." I said as I hit my GPS and gunned it down highway two out of Fosston.

"C-can do." He said in-between coughs.

It's like God brought us here to help this husky... Man what a world.

Blue and Black Hearts+Red And Black Fur (One Ship+Another)Where stories live. Discover now