A new Kid?

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Man, I heard Nick scream again last night. I hurts to hear him talking about his past, as he went through so much. Maybe he needs what I did? Some therapy.

I approached Nick as him and Nav were on the couch, Nav seemed to be in his arms sleeping. Maybe I shouldn't disturb them.

"Hey Mack what's up?" He whispered.

"Hey man, I just wanted to ask you, have you been to therapy for all this?" I asked him blatantly.

He seemed to be a bit shocked, but answered reluctantly, "no, I guess I never thought about it."

Nav seemed to whimper in her sleep, sending Nick into Dad mode. He tightened his grip in the hug ever so slightly, which made her settle, as he kissed her on the forehead.

"Man, good thinking." I said to him, "I just wish I could do that for my kid."

"Still bummed about not having a kid of your own Mack?" He said to me, "I hope you don't feel like me and Bingo living with y'all jeopardizes that."

"Not at all brother" I told him, "I just don't know if Bluey still wants to have a kid. She seems to really love Nav, and she told me she treats Nav as her own."

He looked flattered by this, but gave me an answer I was soon to try.

"Mack, I'm sorry that's how you feel, but Bluey may still want a kiddo of her own. Have you asked her about this?" He asked me.

"No, I guess I haven't, but I'm scared that our family won't start until we are older..." I said sadly.

"Now why would that be the case?" Bluey had came down the stairs and was listening in to our convo.

"Oh, morning Blues, how long you been there?" I asked her, hoping she wasn't there long.

"Long enough to know that I hurt you, Kenz honey, I'm sorry that you got hurt by my answer the other day, I just thought it was more practical to wait." She told me hugging me.

"I know Bluey, I just... I really want to start a family with you, and I know you did too when we were younger."
I said, reminding her about our past.

"Yes Hun, I did, and I still do, but would it be alright to do so now? I mean, what if something happens? Are we ready?" She asked with concern.

I knew what to say to ease her mind.
"Blues, even if hardship goes through, we have Nick and Bingo here, who are parents and know more than we do. They can help us in the early stages."

"You're right on that one." Nick is still right next to us, forgot that he was here tbh.

"Mack, Blue, if at anytime you guys need help, me and Bingo are right with you. Family sticks together like glue, got it?" He told us, damn, thanks Nick.

"Thank you Nick, like glue." I said back giving him a fist bump.

Nav woke up, a little bit in a stir, but held onto her dad with all her might.

"Don't let go!" She said crying.

"I won't, trust me honey I won't." Nick looked confused, but was ready to go back into Dad mode for Nav at any given time.

"Please don't let me go!" Nav kept screaming while sobbing into her dad's fur.

"Nav honey, I won't let you go okay?" He told her, "what's wrong?"

"Mommy died!" She said. D-died? What?

"Nav honey, mommy isn't gone, she is upstairs right now." He said reassuring her, "wanna go see her?"

Didn't have to, Bingo heard the commotion and was flying down the stairs.

"Nav my baby, are you alright?" Bingo said picking up Nav and holding her tight.

"Mommy! I thought you were gone!" Nav sobbed into her mom's fur now. What had this kid dreamt about?

"Nav honey, we are right here, always." Bingo and Nick said, hugging their daughter.

"I-I love you..." Nav had calmed herself now.

Man, this kid is really something.

"Hey Blues, why don't we give them a minute?" I asked her, I still had a few questions for her anyway.

"Okay Hun, let's head out back."

As we went through the kitchen, we'd seen bandit and chilli making breakie, they had heard Nav and were concerned.

"Is Nav okay? She sounded upset." Chilli asked.

"Yea is she alright?" Bandit asked as well.

"Yes mum and dad" Bluey answered, "She had a bad dream while sleeping with Nick, but she is okay now.

"Okay, where are you two off to?" Chilli asked.

"Mum, dad? We want to start a family of our own." Bluey said, "But we aren't sure if it is a good idea."

"You will be happy, that's all that matters." Chilli said.

She knew what Bluey and I needed to hear, and she was right. Wether or not it would be hard to do, we would be happy doing it.

"You're right mum. Thank you." Bluey said hugging her.

"Anyday my Bluey." Chilli said hugging back.

Now it's only a matter of time...

Blue and Black Hearts+Red And Black Fur (One Ship+Another)Where stories live. Discover now