Mack and Blueys date night part 1

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Nick got the job! He told me that he was excited to finally start working again, but was worried Bingo wouldn't like how much he'd be working at home. He's already started a few things for Christy, just to be ready for when he gets to actually get to work again.

I saw Nick hanging with Bingo, Nav, and Blues when I got back from work, Nick was the first to say hi... In a way.

"How'd it go today man? Make any good choices that I wouldn't have to fire you for?" He laughed a bit. So did we.

"Nah man, all good up there, they had me called in today, kinda sucked."

"Eh, ya have those days mate. Hey, I was talking with Christy, and she told me that if you helped me on some things, she would raise your pay!" Nick said excited.

"That's awesome Nick, thank you!" I said, "What's the sitch?"

"Well..." He went on about a few things at work about where and how to deal with things, and that if I put these things into my own work ethic, Christy might even promote me.

"I can certainly do all this Nick, I will if it means more time with y'all." I said.

"Hey Blues, could I speak with you?" I asked her.

"Sure babe what's up?" She asked as we went into another room.

"I know you want a kiddo and all... But how would you feel about living with Nick and Bingo for a little longer? Like moving into a house with them?" I asked her, hoping she wouldn't be mad.

"Honestly Kenz, I love being there for Nav, I treat her as my own, id say I have my kiddo already." She said being happy as ever.

"Love to hear that Blues, so it is okay?" I asked sincerely.

"Yes Hun, I'd love to live with them, but what brought this on?" She asked.

"Nick and Bingo asked me to. They said they still may need help, even with Nick going back to work a bit again." I said, "Plus, we can stay close to family."

Bluey looked so happy, and asked me, "how about we go out tonight? Just me and you? It's been a while."

"I'd love to Blues, let me go get freshened up and definitely... Where'd you have in mind?"

"This lovely restaurant that Nick pointed out to me the other day... He said it was called a Wendy's I believe."

"Correct" we heard Nick coming in from the living room, he was doing much better at walking now.

"Ah Nick did you hear all of that?"

"Mate I'm surprised I heard you talking about Wendy's... Can't hear much over the kid." We laughed.

Nav ran in and grabbed Nick by the arm, "But I wouldn't change it one bit.", he said scratching her head as she let go of him.

"I love you daddy!" Nav said.

"Love you too sweetheart, how about you go play with Mom? Me and your uncle Mack need to talk." He said to her.

"Aww okay." She said a bit slouched.

"Hey kiddo, I'll be out in a minute okay? Then you can torture me eh?" He said chuckling with her.

"Okay!" She scurried off.

"Hey Mack, thanks again for being cool with the whole moving in idea, same to you Bluester."

I liked that we had a good relationship with one another, it was nice.

"No problem Nick!" Bluey said, "I want to be the best aunt I can for Nav!"

"No problem brother, it's nice to have family around!" I said calling him my brother.

"As it is, brother, as it is." He said happily, "Better not keep the kid waiting, have fun tonight."

He walked off... Man Nick, you really did turn yourself around for Nav.

"Okay Blues, I'ma go hop in the shower" I said kissing her.

"Okay babe, see you in a bit."

"Yep" I walked off to the restroom.

Wendy's huh? Hope it's good.

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