Kenzie and Nick get into it.

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After what happened the other day, Nick stayed with Nav, keeping her company. He seemed to hate himself for what happened. To be honest, I wasn't sure why he was mad, but I needed to speak with him either way.

I approached him as he was playing with Nav.

"Hey Nick, can I speak with you?"
I asked, keeping my mind clear on the question I wanted to ask.

"Oh sure Blues" What did he call me? "What's up? He asked.

"Wait... What did you call me?" I said.

"Oh... Sorry do you not like the nickname?" He asked... He seemed like he was upset a bit.

"I just... It seems weird when it's not coming from Kenzie."
I said hoping he understood.

"Oh, sorry Bluey..." He said sounding a bit sad.

"You okay?"

"Yea, just hope I didn't make it awkward between us." He said.

"Not at all Nick." I said grabbing his shoulder.

"Anyway, what was up?" He asked,

Suddenly he seemed to trip forward, falling on top of me.

"Oh shit, Bluey yo-"

"What the hell is going on here!?"
Shit... Kenzie is here...

"Oh hey Mack, hold up..."
He said helping me up. I could tell he was nervous.

"Kenz, that wasn't what you thought!"
I said eagerly.

"Nick, explain what the hell just happened!" He said mad at Nick.

Nick couldn't stand, so he sat there trying to explain.

"I'm sorry for falling on ya Bluey, I think my leg fell asleep on me..."
Nick said reassuring Kenz that nothing happened.

"It's okay Nick, Kenz, I'm sorry that we had ya scared." I said to him.

"Hm... Okay... Try to stand then." He said to Nick.

"Mack, I can't even move my leg, I'ma probably get hurt if I try that!" Kenz still insisted on Nick getting up.

"Fine..." Nick said getting up, then immediately falling onto the floor beside Nav, hurting himself in the process.

"Damn... Alright, sorry Nick, I just..."

"I get it Mack, but please just remember I have Bingo and this little one beside me." He said scratching Nav's head.

"Sorry my mind gets the better of me some days. Been a long day at work."

"You're good bro, just be safe out there." Nick said, bringing back happiness to the room, even if he was in pain.

"Nick, my boss actually wanted me to ask you when you would be free, she wants to talk about a job opening."

Nick sat there for a few seconds recollecting himself from the fall before answering.

"Oh... Uh next Tuesday I guess." It was Thursday, so Nick had some plans during the weekend with Bingo and Nav. I loved that even in pain and recovering, he still made it his job to take care of them.

"Ok Nick, sorry again for freaking out." Mackenzie started to feel like Nick was mad.

"Mack, I'm not mad at you, just a bit disappointed you didn't trust us." Nick pointed out, "she's your wife after all." Nick reminded him.

"I suppose you're right, sorry Blues, I shoulda been apologizing to you too." Mackenzie said sad

"I understand Kenzie, but please try to refrain from becoming Jack." We all had a chuckle, but then Nick said,

"Ya know he's actually turning his life around in the cell, he's been doing great for himself lately in there."

"Good to hear Nick!" Said Kenzie, "So he will be back soon?"

"Yep, then we can speak with him to see if Nav wants to have him in her life, it's all up to her." He said giving Nav the choice, "And Nav, after all this, I don't expect you to call me Dad anymore if it becomes too confusing for you."

Nav hugged Nick and said, "But you're my dad, and I won't let him replace you." Nick hugged her... Knowing full well he was replacement for Jack himself...

Nick... You have made her so happy... You don't even know.

Blue and Black Hearts+Red And Black Fur (One Ship+Another)Where stories live. Discover now