Jay makes a cameo!

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My sister was now married! It's been a month or since then, and Bingo has started to have more and more pregnancy problems, getting up in the midst of night, mood swings, and even just being down right tired. She was due in about a month now.

"Hey Bingo, you alright?" I asked her as I walked into her room, "Nick is on a business call and went out for a while. He said to help you with anything you need." I informed her of Nick's whereabouts, she seemed to be fine. "I'm okay Bluey, just tired and nauseous." She said to me.

I walked to her bedside and felt her forehead, "You're also a bit sick today Bingo, do you feel light headed at all?" I asked her, "I do now that you mention it, but I thought it was just a pregnancy thing." She said, not knowing how lings she's been sick for.

"Let's hope Nick isn't sick, or Nav" She said, worried for her family.

"Nav seemed fine, but idk about Nick, he was in a bit of a rush." I told her, she seemed to listen her worries.

"That's good at-LEAST!" Bingo said, then screaming in pain.

"You okay Bingo!?" I asked her, "Cramp!!!" She screamed, her leg was cramping on the bed and she didn't know what to do to stop it, as being she couldn't move very freely.

"Here I've got you." I said to my sister, lifting her leg up and stretching the cramp back out. I set her down as she sighed, "Thanks Sis."

"Anyday Bingo."

Just then we heard Kenzie running up the stairs, "Is she okay?" He asked, "Yes, just a cramp" I told him.

"Phew, okay, well, chilli wanted to know if Bingo wants to eat?" He said.

"Sure, I could go for something." My sister pipped in.

"Okay I'll be back." Kenz and I were keen on helping Bingo while Nick was out.

Just then we heard the door open and nearly slam closed, was Nick home?

"Hey Nick you home?" I yelled down the stairs.

"Yes Bluey, I am." He said to me, kinda off in tone, but he seemed to be himself.

He walked up the stairs, and we saw that he had a giant scratch on his arm, and a bruise on his head.

"Nick what happened!?" Bingo said, "Work happened." Nick mumbled.

"Wait... This happened at work?" I asked him.

"Yes... Dumb new hire decided to use one braincell and a shelf fell on too of me!" He screamed, "Sorry, still kinda..."

"It's okay Nick, you're home now. No need to be 'worked up'." Bingo laughed, "That's my thing!" Nick said to her, they both laughed.

We hadnt noticed, but Mack had let a visitor into the house.

"Nah dude, that's be mine." A new voice said, that Nick seemed to remember.

"Jay!?" Nick screamed, and ran to hug the bulldog. "Hey brother, good to see ya" Jay said. "Sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding." He said, "Not a big deal man, you're here now aren't ya? At least you made some effort." Nick told him, they exchanged what looked to be a handshake from their early years, man these two must have really been close back then.

"So, this is my wife Bingo..." He told Jay, Bingo shook his hand.

"Bingo, Bluey, this is Jay. He's someone I've known since I was two." Nick told us.

"Nice to meet ya Jay!" I said, "You too Bluey." We shook hands.

"Hey man, is Izzy with ya?" Nick asked him, "Nah, she stayed home with the kid, I was actually in Brisbane for a business trip, figured I'd come by before I took off." He said.

"However" he continued, "Izzy and I had been planning to come down here for some time, and saved up some cash to get here. We are still counting!" He said.

"Well here bro, I gotcha." Nick said and pulled a good 300 from his wallet.

"Nick man, you sure? Is Bingo okay with that?" He asked Nick.

"I'm fine with it, Nick makes the money, he can do what he wants." Bingo said reassuring Jay.

"As long as you're sure..." Jay said.

"As long as you bring Izzy and the kid next time mate." Nick said to him.

"You've gained an aussy accent bro!" He said to Nick, laughing.

The two began to laugh, man these two are just like kids, men...

Nick walked Jay out as he said he needed to get going.

"Great to see you brother. I hope you can come by again soon." Nick told his friend.

"Same bro, later man!"

"Cya mate!" Nick responded.

"Well that was unexpected" Nick said to me, "entirely." I said back.

"Now to tend to Bingo." Nick said and pushed back up the stairs.

"Haha, go get her Nick." I said basically a cheerleader now.

"Pfft- Alright Bluester." Nick laughed.

This family is great, and I finally got to me the infamous 'Jay'!

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