Dinner and some time alone

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I'm so happy I could just burst! Finally I kissed him, I finally made him mine! I love this handsome Collie so much.
"Well gang, what do ya say we dig in?"
My dad had prepared some roast tonight, my favorite, which it seemed Mackenzie enjoyed as well. Although he didn't eat much, because of what had just happened not even five minutes ago, he still seemed to try to eat.
"Kenz, if you can't eat, then don't hun"
He seemed to be a bit surprised by what I called him, but went along with it.
"I'm sorry Blues, I just don't want you to think I'm disrespectful."
"Hey son" My dad spoke "If anything that's the most respectful thing from someone your age. Don't hurt yourself, I'll send some home with you and your pops."
I couldn't believe my dad called him son.
"Thank you Bandit, that means a lot"
"My love, what's say you lay down for a bit, you look tired."
He blushed a bit, now realizing we are a thing officially.
"Okay Blues, if it pleases you."
God I love it how he acts like a gentleman, never does anything against my wishes, but am I being controlling?
"Oh Kenz, you don't have to if you don't want to."
"Oh? Where'd that come from?"
"I don't know, I just feel like I'm being controlling."
He grabs my hand, "Trust me when I say this, that's not you controlling me, that's me doing anything for you."
Okay that was hot ASF-
"Spoken like a true man" My dad and Mr. Collie say in unison.
"Go lie down Hun, I'll be out soon." I say as he slouches and walks to the living room.
"As you wish m'lady" he says jokingly and lays down.
"Never knew my son had such manners" Mr. Collie said
"That just means you raised him right mate" My dad compliments "He's a keeper Bluey."
"Oh I already know dad" I say and giggle a bit.
"I'll be back in a bit" says Bingo, as she enters the living room.
"Okay Bing-" she left the room so quickly, wonder what that was about.

Blue and Black Hearts+Red And Black Fur (One Ship+Another)Where stories live. Discover now