Bingo Breaks up with Jack

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I texted Jack hoping to see how he was doing. I never thought I'd get this response.

You are texting Jackiepoo

You: Hi Jack! How's it going?

Jackiepoo: Bingo, don't talk to me

You: What? Why?

Jackiepoo: I know about the guy you are letting stay at your place, you think you can get away with cheating on me?

You: What? Jack that not what is happening!

Jackiepoo: we are done Bingo, I'll pay child support, but I do not want to see you or that child again.


Jackiepoo: No Bingo, don't try that. We. Are. Done.


I have been living with Bluey and her family for some time now, about two weeks to be exact, Bingos man didn't seem to enjoy me staying here, does he think I'm up to something?

Chilli and I have a sturdy relationship as far as a Mother/son relationship would hope to go, and I am happy that Bandit doesn't see me as a freeloader. When Chilli asked me to go find Bingo I found her laying down crying beside Naveiha, who was still only 4 months.

"Bingo? You okay?" I asked politely.

"No, Jack broke up with me!" Oh crap, please don't tell me...

"Bingo, was it because of me?" I asked.

"Y-yes..." Crap...

"Bingo I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen." I said holding her in a hug.

"It's not your fault, but I just want to be left alone right now." She said still crying. "Could you take Naveiha to Blueys room for a while? I don't want her seeing me like this."

"Sure thing Bingo. I've got your back." I said sincerely.

"Thanks Nicky." She said.

Why did I let her call me that? I hated that Nickname! But why did it feel so fitting from Bingo?

I picked up Naveiha as she cried, wanting her mom, I knocked on Blueys door.

"Yes?" She said a bit tired.

"Hey Blue, it's me, may I come in real quick?"

"Sure thing Nick, oh hey what's up with Naveiha?" She asked fearing for the kid.

"Nothing, it's Bingo, her and Jacks just broke it off." I said under my breath...

"Oh no..." Bluey said.

"It's okay Bluey, I got Bingo, you stay here with Naveiha." I said calmly.

"Okay Nick. Thank you."

"Anyday Bluey"

I return to Bingo finding her still crying, when her phone began to ring, it was Jack...

"Can you tell him to stop calling? He's called five times now" Bingo said between her crying.

"Will do Bingo." I said picking up.

Me: Hello?
Jack: Who TF is this!?
Me: Jack, you need to stop calling Bingo, you've done enough damage.
Jack: of it's you, the asshole that she cheated on me with!
Me: Jack, I will say it only once, Bingo did not cheat on you, and if you come near her again, you will not be leaving in tact.
Jack: Oooo soooo scary.
Me: Man up, Jack. You sound like an idiot, and another thing...
Jack: oh really what's that huh?
Me: Stay away from Naveiha.

I hung up and did as Bingo said, I Blocked him and stopped sharing location. Bingo hugged and thanked me for protecting her. I began to blush but hid it immediately.

"Bingo, I'm sorry Jack did that to you because of me" I said trying to comfort her.

"It wasn't your fault Nicky" she said, "Jack just can't be a good person like you."

"Bingo, thank you." I said.

"I'd Naveiha okay?" She asked.

"I'd say yes, but I'm not Bluey" I answered chuckling a bit... still hurt...

"You okay?" Bingo asked.

"Yea" I answered after calming down "let's go see them."

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