Why does tragedy follow us?

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When getting Nick to the clinic in Bemidgi, they immediately took him from our hands, and sat us down. Wondering about the situation. I spoke with them as Bluey seemed to be deep in thought. She seemed to have gotten a call.

"Okay, well we will assess the damages. Let's hope he's alright."

I saw Bluey tearing up, as if something was wrong... And something was.

"Kenz... Nick's parents are gone."
She said clearing her throat.

"What? Don't tell me you mean...?"

"Y-yes..." She said, "I tried to call his mom when another hospital picked up, they said they found the phone on his mom's body."

"Oh God... How do we-"

Then we heard ear piercing crying coming from the husky... He was told about his parents...

"If it couldn't get worse... Why now huh? What does God have against me!?" He screamed.

"Ugh! Just kill me doc! Just f#$&ing kill me!"

No one ever used that word around me or Bluey before... We have never heard it ever, not even in public.

"Nick please calm down... Me and Bluey got your back."

Our friend was now being put into a cast, as his knee had several fractured locations... While he was told one of his ribs was cracked, and that he needed to take it easy for a while.

"God it all just gets worse... Doesn't it?"

I felt pity for the husky... Even if we just met, I felt as if I needed to help him.

"Bluey, why don't we take him home with us? To Australia."

"But wouldn't that hurt him more? He would lose his friends..."

"No, I'd be fine with that, my best buddy Jay already left with his girl to Maine, I might as well leave that dang town too."

"Okay then, it's settled, Nick, you are coming home with us."

"You sure it ain't too much trouble? I mean I don't go to school anymore so the biggest thing would be a job."

"That don't matter my dude" I told him, "Your current job wouldn't be possible in your current condition anyway."

"I suppose you're right." He said calmly, "okay, but I want to be at my parents cremation."

"Oh course, we aren't leaving for whole month now."

"Okay... Thanks guys. I promise I won't be a burden."

"I know you won't be Nick. It'll be fun to have you around!" Bluey said confidentially.

"That does intrigue me though, why are y'all in the US?"

"We are in our honeymoon." Bluey said casually.

Nick didnt like this one bit. "Then why would you let me stay with you? Wouldn't that interrupt things?"

"Nah mate, where we come from, the more the merrier." I said.

"If it's alright with you guys, then I guess it's okay for me."

"Okay then, I'll let mum and dad know of the sitch." Said bluey.

"Wait, you guys don't live alone?"

"Nah, our parents want us to stay until we are done with collage, that way we get a good start on life."

"Man, y'all got it easy, I had to get a job at 15. Hehe... ugh, laughing hurts still."

"Yea don't do that bro, it ain't good for the rib." I said sternly.

"Ok, thanks Mack, Thanks Blue."

"Nice nicknames, btw, is your name actually Nick or-?"

"Nah, names Nickolye" (Nik-kuh-ly-)

"Interesting, well, we are glad to be able to help man." I said in a happy tone.

"Thanks again." "No problem."

Blue and Black Hearts+Red And Black Fur (One Ship+Another)Where stories live. Discover now