Mackenzie's thoughts.

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I want this to be over, all of it. Everyday I sit alone in my room and tell myself I'm not good enough to be with Bluey. That my mom could have been saved if I had just been at home that day. I just... I want it to end.

I start to tear up in the eyes as I walk with Bluey, she noticed pretty quickly.

"Kenz? You alright?"

I can't do this, my life is just a roller coaster full of pain, the only good thing is Bluey, that's all I have left.

"Kenz? Hello?"

It is all I would ever want for her, to be with someone that can provide for her. I can't do that yet, I don't go back to work until next week! I hate this, I'm ending it right now.

Without even realizing it, I had a knife in my hand and Bluey pleading with me to drop it.


I went on, cutting my arm over and over, then I was brought back by brother set of pain...

It was Bluey... she had slapped me across the face...

"B-bluey?" I say staggering, recollecting myself, I saw her with tears in her eyes.

"Kenzie... Stop... Please..." "I-I don't know what you're going through... But please, let me help."

She took the knife from my hand, as I didn't reject because of the faintness of my limbs, what had I done? I just sent my girlfriend into a spiral of emotion bc of my own dumb thoughts.

"B-Bluey... I... I'm sorry. I couldn't stop myself..."

"Then let me stop you"

Okay Bluey... Stop me.

She took the knife and swung it, not at me, but herself.

"Bluey! Why'd you-?"

"Kenzie, I want to share whatever pain you have, your pain is mine as well. Let me know what's wrong."

"Okay... Sit."

She did as I asked, and asked me again... "Share the pain with me"

"Bluey, am I good enough?"

"What?" She asked confused

"Am I good enough for you? Do I do a good job as a boyfriend?"

She looked like she was gonna slap me again, then answered, "Mackenzie Border Collie, you are one of the best dogs in Brisbane, I couldn't imagine my life without you."

Okay... But what about this...

"Did my mom die bc of me?"


"I want her to be here, to meet you, to have already met you, to see what I am now... I feel as if I didn't go on that trip, maybe she'd be alive today..."

"Kenzie... Look at me, I know for a fact it wasn't your fault, she had passed because of disease, you know that. I'm sorry, but it was inevitable."

"That... Helps somewhat. But then, I could have been there when she passed?"

"Yes Hun, you could have, but you wouldn't have known it was her day to go, you could have ended things on a bad note, and that my love would be the worst thing ever."

She was right... But even so, I still can't help but wonder what it would be like... Just to see her again.

"Bluey... Thank you. For being here with me, I don't deserve you."

"Not true, as you deserve to be happy my love, here..." She handed me a stack of cash... Why?

"Bluey... What is this?"

"Our parents joined together, for us to be happy, do what we want for some time."

"Then I have but one question..."

This was it... It's time.

I got down on one knee

"Bluey Christine Heeler, will you marry me?"

"Kenzie... Yes!"

Blue and Black Hearts+Red And Black Fur (One Ship+Another)Where stories live. Discover now