Bingo And Bluey Squabble

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As Mack and I were hanging out, we heard Bingo and Bluey get into an argument.

"Oh no..." Mack said, Bluey came down the stairs and grabbed Mack by the arm.

"Mack, I don't want you speaking with Nick!" She told him, Bingo reluctantly said the same to me. Him and I both asked the girls what had happened, when we were pulled into separate rooms.

Bingo started saying his Bluey is jealous of her, because of how Margo was attached to Bingo. I told her that it most likely wasn't favoritism, but just an attachment because of how Margo was born. Bingo agreed with me on this, and it seems that Mack did as well, considering Bluey started yelling at him too.

"How could you not be on my side about this!?" Bluey yelled, "I am babe, but I also know what is going on between the two of y'all. It isn't favoritism on Margo's part Hun!" Mack tried reasoning with the Blue heeler, but she didn't budge.

"I can't believe you don't understand it Mackenzie!" Bluey screamed, she never called Mack that unless she was genuinely mad.

"Bluey I do, but the way you're treating Bingo is unfair! Remember, she helped us with this!" Mack said, "Then why does Margo love Bingo more!?"

"Because you always freak out!" Bingo yelled, Bluey stopped.

"Bluey, if it were to be true that Margo loved me more, he would glue to me like he does to you." Bingo started, "I don't have that relationship with him because he isn't my kid! You do! The reason he does what he does with me is because I birthed him, it's just how the nature of it is!"

I think Bluey broke, because she just left the house without a word.

"Bingo... I think you hurt her." Mack stated, "Me? I just told her what she wanted to hear!" Bingo yelled.

"But honey, maybe you guys shouldn't have been screaming at each other when you did so." I told her, she didn't like me being on Macks side.

"So now you're in Blueys side!?" Bingo yelled, "I'm in no one's side but my own, if you don't want me involved then don't make me involved." I told her, she stopped.

"Nick... I didn't mean it like that." She told me, "No no, I guess I just can't agree with Mack on things, that's fine." I told her, which seemed to bring Bluey back into the house.

"Don't you dare speak to my sister in that tone Nick!" She retorted, I gave her a look of "Gotcha Bitch" and Bingo and Her both knew my intentions.

"Nick you sly mf... How the hell?" Bingo asked, "I know you both... It's easy to get you to be sisters again." I told her.

"Alright alright, Bluey, Cmon now, you know Margo loves you... It's nature for him to have some connection with me." Bingo said, "I get that Bingo, I just feel like you do better with him than I do." Bluey stated.

"That's probably because we haven't been parents for very long Bluey, and we keep asking them for help." Mack told his wife. Bluey calmed down, "I suppose you're right honey, sorry Bingo... I didn't mean to make a scene about it all." She told Bingo.

"It's okay Bluey, but remember, as long as you give him love, he will return it fully, I promise you." Bingo told her sisters they shared a hug before apologizing to us about bringing us into it as well.

"No worries!" Mack and I shared a laugh at the same answer, and all four of us kept on the couch, watching our family show for the rest of the afternoon.

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