A helping hand

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I can't believe I'm doing this, I'm going to provide for my sister and Mackenzie! It's a bit weird when you think about it, but at the same time it feels comforting.

When the procedure was done, Mackenzie, Bluey, Nick and I got in the car and drove home.

"Bingo, I want you to know that I love you, thank you so much for helping us." Bluey said to me.

"You guys helped me so much, think of it as repaying a favor." I said, "I've done it once, I'll do it again!"

Nick looked a bit down, he seemed to be traced in thought.

"Nick honey, you okay?" I asked him, he didn't seem to hear me.

"Nick?" I asked again? His ears percked up but he didn't move.

"He's going through something... Sorry Bingo, he needs time." Mackenzie gave me a look from the mirror. So that's why he's not driving back...

"Sorry Hun... I'm just thinking. I guess this whole thing has me a bit self- conscious." Nick finally spoke up.

"Oh? What about?" I asked him, but soon realized what he could be on about.

"It's just, I wasn't there to help you through your first pregnancy with Nav, and I want to be there for you during this one. Even if it's not our kid technically, you are still my lover, and I want to be there for you."

Nick really cared for me, I know he does and always will. This is something I always worry about with him though, his overthinking gets the best of him. However, him overthinking so much shows me how much he cares, and that I am thankful for.

"Nick, I love you, and nothing will change that. I understand, you're overthinking it though Hun. We have each other and Bluey and Mackenzie are here too."

I wanted him to know how I felt on the whole deal

"I admit, I'm a bit scared to do this, considering I will need a C-section again, but I am ready for it this time." I told him.

"Besides, we are right here and nothing will change that brother." Mackenzie helped me, "And so will I!" Bluey said.

"Thanks guys, I'm sorry for overthinking all the time." Nick said a bit self-doubting.

"You overthinking just shows us how much you care, and that is the best thing Nick." Mackenzie knew exactly how to say it, and I'm proud that Nick knows he overthinks, he just needs reassurance is all.

Nick went back to thinking but he seemed to be much calmer now.

"I hope your okay with all this Nick."
I told him, "I know you said it was my choice, but..."

"Bingo... I will admit I was shy and overwhelmed at the thought of it, but we are doing this for others. I am not the holder of your choices or your body. Whatever you decide to do, I will follow you." Nick said, holy crap, is he not okay with this?

"Nick I'm sorry. I should have asked you before jumping-"

Nick cut me off by grabbing my hand.

"Bingo, listen to me. I may not have been very collected at first, but I am now. I want to do this for them. I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap." He saw me, a bit surprised by him snapping at me.

"I just want you to be okay Nick. I care about your feelings." I told him.

"I know and I'm sorry. I don't want to be rude to you. I love you for who you are and what you are doing. I can't think of anyone that I love more than you, except Nav." He said to me.

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