Testing reality.

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The cast is finally off, I can move about my days freely again, for the most part. I still have a wobble/limp because of the trauma of injury to my leg, but I can finally be what my little Nav needs most, Dad.

"Dad you're home, and the cast is gone!" She shouted excitedly.

"Sure is my little bumblebee!" I said picking her up and hugging her tight, now that I can walk on my own fully, I am back to how I was before.

"Can we play now?" She asked.

I gave her a big smile, "of course! Just nothing too crazy okay? Still need to take it easy." I told her.

"Yay! You can be my patient!" She said happily, I loved seeing her finally happy again. I can be a real part of her life again.

"Okay Hun, how do we go about this?" I asked her, "do we-"

I was cut off by Bingo, she entered the house after me and Nav got to playing.

"Oh isn't this cute? This is the first thing you do after you get the cast off, play doctor?" She said giggling.

"Yea mommy! Come look! Dad is wrapped in paper!" Nav said.

"Oh my, he is!" Bingo said laughing, "and it seems he has just enough room to move."

"Hey Babe, you're home early, thought you'd be out still?" I asked her under the wrap.

"I thought so too, but my friends and I decided to cut it short." She said kinda bummed, "eh, what'ya gonna do?"

"Well, would you like to join?" I asked her, "maybe you can fit a few more layers on me?" I said laughing a bit

"Haha, yea why not." Bingo leaned in with Nav and wrapped me in three more layers until I physically couldn't move.

"Ah Babe! I can't move a muscle now!" I told her.

"Good..." Bingo seemed to look at me menacingly.

"W-what? Hun? You okay?" I asked her worried.

"Oh I'm just fine, but you won't be." She said pulling out a lighter.

"Nav... Go upstairs, make sure you cover your ears for a good 10 minutes."

"Why mommy? I'd love to sit and watch!" Nav said with a sinister grin.

"Hun...? Babe...? BINGO?" I started to panic, a feeling of regret washed over me, what was happening!?

I woke up...

"AH HOLY SHIT!" I screamed as I woke from my nightmare. What was that even about?

I looked to my right to see Bingo staring at me, "what's wrong honey? Another nightmare?" She asked holding my hand.

"Y-yeah..." I said, "I don't understand why I keep having these things... There isn't anything wrong between us is there?" I asked hoping nothing was... Like REALLY hoping.

"Of course not my husky... But what was it about?" She asked me while giving me a concerned look.

"Y-you and Nav wrapped me in nurse wrap and then lit me on fire..." I said in one breath.

"What? Why would we? We love you!" Bingo said, "and besides, even if something were to happen, I doubt anything like THAT would happen."

"Then why do I keep having these weird nightmares?" I asked myself quietly, but Bingo still heard it.

"Maybe you just worry too much babe, it's very likely, you did go through quite a lot back in your hometown." She said.

She was right, I keep letting these dumb thoughts get to me. My cast was off, everything was batter and was going to only get better. I need to stay positive.

"You're right Bingo honey, I'm sorry for startling you awake." I said kissing her.

"Not a big deal my husky, I'm right here with you, always." She cuddled with me until we both fell back asleep.

Sorry for the shorter chapter! Kinda tired and needed to let something before the day was away! Goodnight my peeps! 👋

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