Chapter 2 | As Years Go By (2)

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Two years later

Things had gotten busy for everyone. Well for the princess of Hell at the least. At the moment, Charlie was in the process of turning the building, that was previously own by her parents now belonging to her, into a Hotel. Her Dream project, the Happy Hotel.

(Y/n) was helping her with the lounge area. Drawing up a sketch while Charlie was looking over the process.

"Alright we're pretty much almost done with everything expect the main area! How goes the sketching Aunty?"

"Just finishing up the final touches annnd done!" (Y/n) says, showing Charlie her sketch book

She gasped with excitement before grabbing the sketch, bringing it closer to her.


"Awww sweetie. I just doodle here and there"

"What?! This is more then a doodle! This is art!"

(Y/n) giggles before using her powers around the area and bring her sketch to life. It wasn't quite identical to her sketch but it was a start. She was a bit tired from overworking herself.  While she wasn't royalty like the Morningstar family but she wanted to help Charlie with the overload of work on her back.

(Y/n) knew there wasn't much work to be done and sinners wouldn't care at all what they do but that doesn't mean it goes for every single one. She supported what Charlie was trying to do and also believes that at least some deserve a chance. Was a there a little doubt? Yes. But was that going to stop her from helping Charlie? Not at all

"I wish Dad were here to help or at least see what I was doing" Charlie said, hugging herself

(Y/n) looked at her with sadden eyes. Over the past year, her and Lucifer have been sending each other little letters whenever they could. The night after she had send the note, she woke up seeing a letter besides her bed. She didn't questioned how it got there.

Dear (Y/n),

I'm doing alright. I've been getting enough sleep and the food you and Charlie make is amazing. It's the one thing I looked forward to in my day. If I'm being honestly, I miss you and Charlie. I miss both your companies. But I feel scared to face you both. Especially Charlie..

I know you gave me comfort before but the thought of disappointing her haunts me... I really hope I can have the courage to see you both again. To hear you again, which really helps me rest a lot 

From Luci~

Reading the last sentence of his letter made (Y/n) slightly blush at the thought. Knowing that he really was listening to her those nights. Charlie had called out to her as she was slowly spacing out. Charlie had wanted to talk to her about her plans for the future.

She told (Y/n) that the Hotel should be ready soon since there wasn't much to do other then some redecorating. So she explained that she was going to start living at the Hotel once it was ready. (Y/n) was concerned, she trusted Charlie would be fine but living in a place this big on her own gave her a bad feeling.

She reassured her Aunty that she'll be alright and that she'll have Razzle and Dazzle with her. She also said that she'll be able to visit her anytime, seeing that she wasn't going to live that far from her. But (Y/n) had her doubts. This wasn't something she could say out loud but over the past years, she treated Charlie as if she were her own child. 

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙁𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙣 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 | 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now