Chapter 16 | I'm Grateful For Our Family

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After a while, the three had reappeared in front of Lucifer's Manor. As the red mist had finally disappeared, (Y/n) can see how the Manor hadn't changed a bit, from the outside, at least. Seeing the Manor itself made her start feeling guilty. Knowing how big the place was, Lucifer was staying here all by himself.

"(Y/n)?" Lucifer called out. Hearing her name made her snap out of her thoughts as she looked up at Lucifer, as he was still holding her. "Huh? What?" She says, finally speaking up.

"I've been calling your name for a bit. Everything okay?" He asked, concerned. If he's being completely honest, he was super nervous. He didn't even know where to start, expect heading into the Manor before they talk.

"Y-yes! I'm sorry, seeing the manor just.. brought back some memories that's all" She says, as she felt Lucifer put her down on her feet with Atticus in her arms. Speaking of Atticus, he was staring at awe at the Manor, more specifically at the duck shaped bushes he saw as they walked towards the front door.

"Mama, duckies!" Atticus yells out, point to the different ducks. The two parents giggled at their son's excitement. Lucifer was beaming with joy, knowing that his own son loves ducks just as much as he did. The three made it to the door, Lucifer opened it as he let (Y/n) and Atticus walked in first.

As the two walked in, they were met with darkness at first. It wasn't until Lucifer closed the door and snap his fingers, as the room had completely light up. Everything started coming back to (Y/n), seeing the walls decorated with patterns of snakes and apples, representing Lucifer no doubt. But she couldn't help but notice that some of his family portraits with himself, Charlie and Lilith weren't on the walls as they use to be. She'll have to ask him about that another time.

"Nothing's really changed, if I'm being honest. I've sorta only been in my workshop most days" Lucifer explained, scratching the back of his neck, nervously. "No no, It's fine! I'm glad nothing's changed" (Y/n) said, smiling as she looked around.

As Lucifer saw (Y/n) continue to look around the place. Lucifer was thinking about how to start everything. There was lots to talk about.. Well maybe not a lot but there was things he wanted to say. He still remembers what he said to her before she ran out...

And yet here she was, standing right in front of him as if what he said hadn't affected her. Hell, she even spoke to him through the phone as if nothing ever happened. He knew deep down that she was still hurting.

He had to make things right.

Lucifer took a deep breathe before walking over to (Y/n), who was looking around the main living room. As he had reached her, he started grabbing her shoulder gently, trying to get her attention but before he could, a stomach had grumbled. More specifically, Atticus's tummy.

"Hungie!" Atticus says, rubbing his tummy with a smile. Lucifer and (Y/n) looked at their son for a second before looking towards each other, giggling a bit. After everything that happened at the Hotel today, I guess she forgot to cook. She hopes Charlie has dinner figured out for themselves since she wasn't there at this very moment.

"Well then, let's get your adowable self feed!" Lucifer said, picking up Atticus from her arms as he lifted him high up, making the little boy giggle. (Y/n) smiled at the two, taking a quick picture to save for later. As the three began to walk towards the kitchen, (Y/n) got ready to cook something for themselves but she was stopped.

"No no, darling. You and Atticus are my guest so I'll be cooking for you both!" Lucifer says, as they all made it to the kitchen as he passed Atticus back to her as he snap his fingers, summoning an apron onto himself while also summoning a high chair that use to belong to Charlie.

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